Ditemukan 315 dokumen dengan kata kunci 9532 |
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A Multivariate Generalizability Theory Approach to Standard Setting
An Examination of the Replicability of Angoff Standard Setting ResultsWithin a Generalizability Theory Framework
Pengarang: Jerome C. Clauser, Melissa J. Margolis, Brian E. Clauser | No. Panggil: Journal of Educational Measurement, Vol.51 No.2, 2014 Summer p.127-140 |
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An Examination of the Replicability of Angoff Standard Setting REsult Within a Generalizability Theory FrameWork
Asymptotic Standard Errors for Item Response Theory True Score Equating of Polytomous Items
Pengarang: Cheow Cher Wong | No. Panggil: Journal of Educational Measurement, Vol.52, No.1, 2015 Spring p.106-120 |
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Metode Standar Setting Untuk Ujian Nasional Di Sekolah Dasar
Accuracy of Asymptotic Standard Errors of the Maximum and Weighted Likelihood Estimators of Proficiency Levels With Short Tests
Pengarang: David Magis | No. Panggil: Applied Psychological Measurement, Vol.38, No.2, March 2014 p.105-121 |
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Accuracy of Asymptotic Standard Errors of the Maximum and Weighted Likelihood Estimators of Proficiency Levels With Short Test
Psychometric Theory
Multivariate Data Reduction And Discrimination With SAS Software
Applied Multivariate Statistics For The Social Sciences : Third Edition