Ditemukan 270 dokumen dengan kata kunci 9528 |
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Comparing Traditional and IRT Scoring of Forced -Choice Test
Comparing Simple Scoring With IRT Scoring of Personality Measures: The Navy Computer Adaptive Personality Scales
Pengarang: Frederick L. Oswald | No. Panggil: Applied Psychological Measurement, Vol.39, No.2, March 2015 p.144-154 |
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Comparing Simple Scoring With IRT Scoring of Personality Measures : The NAvy Computer Adaptive Personality Scales
Reliability-Based Feature Weighting for Automated Essay Scoring
Test Scoring
Comparing the Two-and Three-Parameter Logistic Models via Likelihood Ratio Test : A Commonly Misunderstood Problem
The Impact of Anonymization for Automated Essay Scoring
Pengarang: Mark D. Shermis, Sue Lottridge, Elijah Mayfield | No. Panggil: Journal of Educational Measurement, Vol.52, No.4, 2015 Winter p.419-436 |
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Differential Item Functioning Assessment in Cognitive Diagnostic Modeling: Application of the Wald Test to Investigate DIF in the DINA Model
Personality Assessment Metods and Practices (3rd revised edition)
Comparing Two Algorithms for Calibrating the Restricted Non-Compensatory Multidimensional IRT Model
Pengarang: ChunWang, StevenW. Nydick | No. Panggil: Applied Psychological Measurement, Vol.39, No.2, March 2015 p.119-134 |
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