Ditemukan 364 dokumen dengan kata kunci 9498 |
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An Investigation of Position Effects in Large-Scale Writing Assessments
Pengarang: Jiahe Qian | No. Panggil: Applied Psychological Measurement, Vol.38, No.7, October 2014 p.518-534 |
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An Investigation of Position Effects in Large-Scale Writing Assessments
Comparing the Effectiveness of Self -Paced amd Collaborative Frame-Of- Reference Training On Ratet Accuracy in a Large-Scale Writing Assessment
Comparing the Effectiveness of Self-Paced and Collaborative Frame-of-Reference Training on Rater Accuracy in a Large-Scale Writing Assessment
Pengarang: Kevin R. Raczynski, Allan S. Cohen, George Engelhard | No. Panggil: Journal of Educational Measurement, Vol.52, No.3, 2015 Fall p.301-318 |
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Modeling Item Position Effects Using Generalized Linier Mixed Models
Modeling Item Position Effects Using Generalized Linear Mixed Model
Pengarang: SebastianWeirich | No. Panggil: Applied Psychological Measurement, Vol.38, No.7, October 2014 p.535-548 |
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Repeater Analysis for Combining Information From Different Assessments
Book Review
Pengarang: Todd M. Milford | No. Panggil: Journal of Educational Measurement, Vol.52, No.4, 2015 Winter p.477-479 |
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Modeling Student Test -Taking Motivation in the Context of an Adaptive Achievement Test
Questios Arising From the Assessment of EFLNarrative Writing