Ditemukan 305 dokumen dengan kata kunci 9410 |
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Modeling Instructional Sensitivity Using a Longitudinal Multilevel Differential Item Functioning Approach
Pengarang: Alexander Naumann, Johannes Hartig, Jan Hochweber | No. Panggil: Journal of Educational Measurement, Vol.51, No.4, 2014 Winter p.381-399 |
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An Assessment of the Nonparametric Approach for Evaluating the Fit of Item Response Models
DIF Detection Using Multiple - Group Categorical CFA With Minimum Free Baseline Approach
Modeling Instructional Sensitivity Using A Longitudinal Multilevel Differential Item Functioning Approach
A Framework for Anchor Methods and an Iterative Forward Approach for DIF Detection
Pengarang: Julia Kopf, Achim Zeileis, Carolin Strobl | No. Panggil: Applied Psychological Measurement, Vol.39, No.2, March 2015 p.83-103 |
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Differential Item Functioning Assessment in Cognitive Diagnostic Modeling: Application of the Wald Test to Investigate DIF in the DINA Model
Pendeteksian Differential Item Functioning (DIF) Dengan Pendekatan Item Respons Theory Soal Ujian Nasional SMP/MTs Provinsi Jawa Barat Tahun 2012
A Framework for Anchor Methods and an Iterative Forrward Approach for DIF Detection
An Odds Ratio Approach for Detecting DDF Under the Nested Logit Modeling Framework
Pengarang: Ragip Terzi, Youngsuk Suh | No. Panggil: Journal of Educational Measurement, Vol.52, No.4, 2015 Winter p.376-398 |
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An Odds Ratio Approach for detecting DDF Under the Nested Logit Modeling Framework