Ditemukan 250 dokumen dengan kata kunci 9390 |
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Detection of Invalid Test Scores : The Usefulness of Simple Nonparametric Statistics
Detection of Invalid Test Scores: The Usefulness of Simple Nonparametric Statistics
Pengarang: Jorge N. Tendeiro, Rob R. Meijer | No. Panggil: Journal of Educational Measurement, Vol.51, No.3, 2014 Fall p.239-259 |
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Item Generation for Test Development
Comparing The Performance of Eight Item Preknowledge Detection Statistics
Test Equating Methods and Pratices
Psychological Testing (Fourth Edition)
A Flexible Latent Class Approach to Estimating test-Score Reliability
General Test Overlap Control: Improved Algorithm for CAT and CCT
Pengarang: Shu-Ying Chen | No. Panggil: Applied Psychological Measurement, Vol.38, No.3, May 2014 p.229-244 |
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General Test Overlap Control: Improved Algorithm for CAT and CCT
Combining Decision Trees and Stochastic Curtailment for Assessment Length Reduction of Test Batteries Used for Classification
Pengarang: Marjolein Fokkema (et.all) | No. Panggil: Applied Psychological Measurement, Vol.38, No.1, January 2014 p.3-17 |
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