Ditemukan 352 dokumen dengan kata kunci 9343 |
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Estimating a Cognitive Diagnostic Model for Multiple Strategies via the EM Algorithm
Pengarang: Yan Huo, Jimmy de la Torre | No. Panggil: Applied Psychological Measurement, Vol.38, No.6, July 2014 p.464-485 |
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Estimating a Cognitive Diagnostic Model For Multiple Strategies Via The EM Algoritm
Differential Item Functioning Assessment in Cognitive Diagnostic Modeling: Application of theWald
Pengarang: Likun Hou, Jimmy de la Torre, Ratna Nandakumar | No. Panggil: Journal of Educational Measurement, Vol.51 No.1, 2014 Spring p.98-125 |
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Differential Item Functioning Assessment in Cognitive Diagnostic Modeling: Application of the Wald Test to Investigate DIF in the DINA Model
Parameter Estimation of the Reduced RUM Using the EM Algorithm
Pengarang: Yuling Feng, Brian T. Habing, and Alan Huebner | No. Panggil: Applied Psychological Measurement, Vol.38, No.2, March 2014 p.137-150 |
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Parameter Estimation of the Reduced RUM Using the EM Algorithm
Assesinng Item- Level Fit for the DINA Model
Consistency of Cluster Anlysis for Cognitive Diagnosis : The Dino Model and the DINA Model Revisited
Evaluating Person Fit for Cognitive Diagnostic Assessment
Attribute-Level and Pattern-Level Clasification Consistency and Accuray Indices for Cognitive Diagnostic Assessment