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Good Practice In The Accreditation Of Prior Learning
Pengarang: NYATANGA, Lovemore ; FORMAN, Dawn ; FOX, Jane | No. Panggil: eBEDU-12300010 |
Koleksi: eBooks - Education ::
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Cooperative Learning : Intergrating Theory And Practice
Pengarang: Gillies, Robyn M | No. Panggil: 371.39 GIL c |
Koleksi: Buku Teks ::
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After-school programs to promote child and adolescent development : Summary of workshop
No. Panggil: eBEDU-12300005 |
Koleksi: eBooks - Education ::
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Strategic Education Research Partnership
No. Panggil: eBEDU-12300006 |
Koleksi: eBooks - Education ::
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Changing Places ? : Flexibility, Lifelong Learning And A Learning Society
Pengarang: Edwards, Richard | No. Panggil: 374 EDW c |
Koleksi: Buku Teks ::
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Assessment For Excellence : The Philosophy And Practice Of Assessment And Evaluation In Higher Education
Pengarang: Astin, Alexander W | No. Panggil: 378.166 4 AST a |
Koleksi: Buku Teks ::
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Learning Resources Programs That Make A Difference : A Source Of Ideas And Models From Exemplary Program In The Field
Pengarang: Schmidt, William D | No. Panggil: 371.33 SCH l |
Koleksi: Buku Teks ::
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Educational Phychology : Classroom Update Prepearing for PRAXIS and Practice
Pengarang: Santrock, John W. | No. Panggil: 370.15 SAN e |
Koleksi: Buku Teks ::
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Foreign and second language learning : language-acquistion research and its implications for the classroom
Pengarang: Littlewood, William T. | No. Panggil: 401.93 LIT f |
Koleksi: Buku Teks ::
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Asia and Pacific: issue of educational policy, curriculum and practice
No. Panggil: 370.95 WIL a |
Koleksi: Buku Teks ::
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