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Socio-Economic Review : Volume 11 Number 4 2013
Pengarang: Matthew R. Keller and Fred Block Explaining the transformation in the US innovation system: the impact of a small government program Sara Jane McCaffrey Tacit-rich districts and globalization: changes in the Italian textile and apparel production system Karen Jaehrling and Philippe Méhaut ‘Varieties of institutional avoidance’: employers’ strategies in low-waged service sector occupations in France and Germany Bénédicte Reynaud Workforce reduction and firm performance: evidence from French firm data (1994-2000) Sabina Avdagic and Paola Salardi Tenuous link: labour market institutions and unemployment in advanced and new market economies STATE OF THE ART Matthew M.C. Allen Comparative capitalisms and the institutional embeddedness of innovative capabilities REVIEW SYMPOSIA On Cathie Jo Martin and Duane Swank The Political Construction of Business Interests: Coordination, Growth, and Equality. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2012 Richard Deeg, Alberto Martinelli, and Mikkel Mailand On Geoffrey M. Hodgson From Pleasure Machines to Moral Communities. An Evolutionary Economics without Homo Economicus, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2013 Ida Regalia, Bruno Amable, and Mari Sako | No. Panggil: JOX_SER_2013_4 |
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Socio-Economic Review : Volume 12 Number 1 2014
Pengarang: EDITORIAL Gregory Jackson A brave new world of ratings, rankings and commensuration? ARTICLES Aaron Z. Pitluck Watching foreigners: how counterparties enable herds, crowds, and generate liquidity in financial markets Nicolas Bedu and Matthieu Montalban Analysing the uneven development of private equity in Europe: legal origins and diversity of capitalism K. Ali Akkemik and S˛ ükrü O¨ zen Macroeconomic and institutional determinants of financialisation of non-financial firms: Case study of Turkey STATE OF THE ART Natascha van der Zwan Making sense of financialization PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS SASE Annual Meeting 2013 States in Europe: uncaging societies and the limits to the infrastructural power Patrick Le Galès DISCUSSION FORUM Grey areas: irresponsible corporations and reputational dynamics Gregory Jackson, Stephen Brammer, Jonathan M. Karpoff, Donald Lange, Anastasiya Zavyalova, Brooke Harrington, Frank Partnoy, Brayden G. King, and David L. Deephouse REVIEW SYMPOSIUM On Richard M. Locke, The Promise and Limits of Private Power: Promoting Labor Standards in a Global Economy, New York, Cambridge University Press, 2013 Gary Gereffi, Marino Regini, and Charles F. Sabel | No. Panggil: JOX_SER_2014_1 |
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Socio-Economic Review : Volume 12 Number 2 2014
Pengarang: EDITORIAL Marius R. Busemeyer and Torben Iversen The political economy of skills and inequality ARTICLES Evelyne Huber and John D. Stephens Income inequality and redistribution in post-industrial democracies: demographic, economic and political determinants Heike Solga Education, economic inequality and the promises of the social investment state Marius R. Busemeyer and Torben Iversen The politics of opting out: explaining educational financing and popular support for public spending Jane Gingrich and Ben Ansell Sorting for schools: housing, education and inequality Caroline Wozny and Martin R. Schneider A matter of degree: the continuing training gap for women in Europe David Rueda Dualization, crisis and the welfare state Anne Wren and Philipp Rehm The end of the consensus? Labour market developments and the politics of retrenchment Carsten Q. Schneider and Kristin Makszin Forms of welfare capitalism and education-based participatory inequality | No. Panggil: JOX_SER_2014_2 |
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Socio-Economic Review : Volume 12 Number 3 2014
Pengarang: ARTICLES Dan Lainer-Vos Brothers’ keepers: gift giving networks and the organization of Jewish American diaspora nationalism Jingjing Huo Insider and public information in varieties of capitalism Achim Goerres and Martin Höpner Polarizers or landscape groomers? An empirical analysis of party donations by the 100 largest German companies in 1984–2005 Stefan Thewissen Is it the income distribution or redistribution that affects growth? DISCUSSION FORUM Michèle Lamont, Stefan Beljean, and Matthew Clair What is missing? Cultural processes and causal pathways to inequality Understanding inequality through the lens of cultural processes: on Lamont, Beljean and Clair ‘What is Missing? Cultural Processes and Causal Pathways to Inequality’ Douglas S. Massey, Leslie McCall, Donald Tomaskovic-Devey, Dustin Avent-Holt, Philippe Monin, Bernard Forgues, and Tao Wang | No. Panggil: JOX_SER_2014_3 |
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Socio-Economic Review : Volume 12 Number 4 2014
Pengarang: Neil Fligstein and Jacob Habinek Sucker punched by the invisible hand: the world financial markets and the globalization of the US mortgage crisis Jaakko Aspara, Kalle Pajunen, Henrikki Tikkanen, and Risto Tainio Explaining corporate short-termism: self-reinforcing processes and biases among investors, the media and corporate managers Matthew E. Carnes and Isabela Mares Coalitional realignment and the adoption of non-contributory social insurance programmes in Latin America Pepper D. Culpepper and Aidan Regan Why don’t governments need trade unions anymore? The death of social pacts in Ireland and Italy Hector Cebolla-Boado and Luiz Ortiz Extrarepresentational types of political participation and models of trade unionism: a cross-country comparison STATE OF THE ART Daniel Hirschman and Elizabeth Popp Berman Do economists make policies? On the political effects of economics REVIEW ESSAY Bruno A mable Four books on (neo-)liberalism | No. Panggil: JOX_SER_2014_4 |
Koleksi: Jurnal Internasional  :: Cari yang mirip  :: Tambahkan ke Favorit  ::
The Quaterly Journal of Economics : Volume 130 February 2015 Issue 1
Pengarang: STEFANO GIGLIO, MATTEO MAGGIORI, AND JOHANNES STROEBEL Very Long-Run Discount Rates 1 ROBIN GREENWOOD AND SAMUEL G. HANSON Waves in Ship Prices and Investment 55 SUMIT AGARWAL, SOUPHALA CHOMSISENGPHET, NEALE MAHONEY, AND JOHANNES STROEBEL Regulating Consumer Financial Products: Evidence from Credit Cards 111 NICHOLAS BLOOM, JAMES LIANG, JOHN ROBERTS, AND ZHICHUN JENNY YING Does Working from Home Work? Evidence from a Chinese Experiment 165 BJÖRN BARTLING, ROBERTO A. WEBER, AND LAN YAO Do Markets Erode Social Responsibility? 219 FRANCESCO CASELLI, MASSIMO MORELLI, AND DOMINIC ROHNER The Geography of Interstate Resource Wars 267 ALBERTO GALASSO AND MARK SCHANKERMAN Patents and Cumulative Innovation: Causal Evidence from the Courts 317 MEGHAN R. BUSSE, DEVIN G. POPE, JAREN C. POPE, AND JORGE SILVA-RISSO The Psychological Effect of Weather on Car Purchases 371 ANDREW ATKESON, CHRISTIAN HELLWIG, AND GUILLERMO ORDOÑEZ Optimal Regulation in the Presence of Reputation Concerns 415 BRIAN A. JACOB, MAX KAPUSTIN, AND JENS LUDWIG The Impact of Housing Assistance on Child Outcomes: Evidence from a Randomized Housing Lottery 465 | No. Panggil: JOX_QJE_2015_1 |
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The Quaterly Journal of Economics : Volume 130 May 2015 Issue 2
Pengarang: PASCAL MICHAILLAT AND EMMANUEL SAEZ Aggregate Demand, Idle Time, and Unemployment 507 MARIANNE BERTRAND, EMIR KAMENICA, AND JESSICA PAN Gender Identity and Relative Income Within Households 571 FILIPE CAMPANTE AND DAVID YANAGIZAWA-DROTT Does Religion Affect Economic Growth and Happiness? Evidence from Ramadan 615 ARNAUD COSTINOT, DAVE DONALDSON, JONATHAN VOGEL, AND IVÁN WERNING Comparative Advantage and Optimal Trade Policy 659 LEONARD WANTCHEKON, MARKO KLAŠNJA, AND NATALIJA NOVTA Education and Human Capital Externalities: Evidence from Colonial Benin 703 ANNA AIZER AND JOSEPH J. DOYLE, JR. Juvenile Incarceration, Human Capital, and Future Crime: Evidence from Randomly Assigned Judges 759 STEPHEN V. BURKS, BO COWGILL, MITCHELL HOFFMAN, AND MICHAEL HOUSMAN The Value of Hiring Through Employee Referrals 805 LIRAN EINAV, AMY FINKELSTEIN, AND PAUL SCHRIMPF The Response of Drug Expenditure to Nonlinear Contract Design: Evidence from Medicare Part D 841 FACUNDO PIGUILLEM AND ALESSANDRO RIBONI Spending-Biased Legislators: Discipline Through Disagreement 901 STEVEN CALLANDER AND BÅRD HARSTAD Experimentation in Federal Systems 951 | No. Panggil: JOX_QJE_2015_2 |
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The Quaterly Journal of Economics : Volume 130 August 2015 Issue 3
Pengarang: KARTHIK MURALIDHARAN AND VENKATESH SUNDARARAMAN The Aggregate Effect of School Choice: Evidence from a Two-Stage Experiment in India 1011 NED AUGENBLICK, MURIEL NIEDERLE, AND CHARLES SPRENGER Working Over Time: Dynamic Inconsistency in Real Effort Tasks 1067 HUNT ALLCOTT Site Selection Bias in Program Evaluation 1117 MICHAEL KREMER AND CHRISTOPHER M. SNYDER Preventives Versus Treatments 1167 VICTORIA IVASHINA, DAVID S. SCHARFSTEIN, AND JEREMY C. STEIN Dollar Funding and the Lending Behavior of Global Banks 1241 BENJAMIN EDELMAN AND JULIAN WRIGHT Price Coherence and Excessive Intermediation 1283 LEONARDO BURSZTYN AND ROBERT JENSEN How Does Peer Pressure Affect Educational Investments? 1329 XAVIER GABAIX AND MATTEO MAGGIORI International Liquidity and Exchange Rate Dynamics 1369 SIWAN ANDERSON AND CHRIS BIDNER Property Rights over Marital Transfers 1421 SAUMITRA JHA Financial Asset Holdings and Political Attitudes: Evidence from Revolutionary England 1485 | No. Panggil: JOX_QJE_2015_3 |
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The Review Of Economic Studies : Vol. 80(1) No. 282 January 2013
Pengarang: Progressive Screening: Long-Term Contracting with a Privately Known Stochastic Process Raphael Boleslavsky and Maher Said 1 Informed Trading and Portfolio Returns Alex Boulatov, Terrence Hendershott and Dmitry Livdan 35 Assigning Resources to Budget-Constrained Agents Yeon-Koo Che, Ian Gale and Jinwoo Kim 73 An Elementary Theory of Global Supply Chains Arnaud Costinot, Jonathan Vogel and Su Wang 109 The Effect of Immigration along the Distribution of Wages Christian Dustmann, Tommaso Frattini and Ian P. Preston 145 A Structural Approach to Identifying the Sources of Local Currency Price Stability Pinelopi Koujianou Goldberg and Rebecca Hellerstein 175 Credit within the Firm Luigi Guiso, Luigi Pistaferri and Fabiano Schivardi 211 Inventories, Markups, and Real Rigidities in Menu Cost Models Oleksiy Kryvtsov and Virgiliu Midrigan 249 Aggregating Information by Voting: The Wisdom of the Experts versus the Wisdom of the Masses Joseph C. McMurray 277 Quick Job Entry or Long-Term Human Capital Development? The Dynamic Effects of Alternative Training Schemes Aderonke Osikominu 313 Discrete Choice Non-Response Esmeralda A. Ramalho and Richard J. Smith 343 Robust Predictions in Infi nite-Horizon Games—an Unrefi nable Folk Theorem Jonathan Weinstein and Muhamet Yildiz 365 Cooperation with Network Monitoring Alexander Wolitzky 395 | No. Panggil: JOX_RES_2013_1 |
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The Review Of Economic Studies : Vol. 80(2) No. 283 April 2013
Pengarang: Groupthink: Collective Delusions in Organizations and Markets Roland Bénabou 429 Regime Switches, Agents’ Beliefs, and Post-World War II U.S. Macroeconomic Dynamics Francesco Bianchi 463 Liquidity, Risk, and Occupational Choices Milo Bianchi and Matteo Bobba 491 Leadership, Coordination, and Corporate Culture Patrick Bolton, Markus K. Brunnermeier and Laura Veldkamp 512 Effi cient Likelihood Evaluation of State-Space Representations David N. DeJong, Roman Liesenfeld, Guilherme V. Moura, Jean-François Richard 538 and Hariharan Dharmarajan Should Day Care be Subsidized? David Domeij and Paul Klein 568 Insurance and Taxation over the Life Cycle Emmanuel Farhi and Iván Werning 596 Banking: A New Monetarist Approach Chao Gu, Fabrizio Mattesini, Cyril Monnet and Randall Wright 636 Health and (Other) Asset Holdings Julien Hugonnier, Florian Pelgrin and Pascal St-Amour 663 Credit Constraints, Heterogeneous Firms, and International Trade Kalina Manova 711 Consumption-Based Asset Pricing with Higher Cumulants Ian W. R. Martin 745 The Three Horsemen of Riches: Plague, War, and Urbanization in Early Modern Europe Nico Voigtländer and Hans-Joachim Voth 774 Optimal Contracts with Shirking John Y. Zhu 812 | No. Panggil: JOX_RES_2013_2 |
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