Ditemukan 264 dokumen dengan kata kunci 8716 |
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The Review Of Economic Studies : Vol. 80(2) No. 283 April 2013
Pengarang: Groupthink: Collective Delusions in Organizations and Markets
Roland Bénabou 429
Regime Switches, Agents’ Beliefs, and Post-World War II U.S. Macroeconomic Dynamics
Francesco Bianchi 463
Liquidity, Risk, and Occupational Choices
Milo Bianchi and Matteo Bobba 491
Leadership, Coordination, and Corporate Culture
Patrick Bolton, Markus K. Brunnermeier and Laura Veldkamp 512
Effi cient Likelihood Evaluation of State-Space Representations
David N. DeJong, Roman Liesenfeld, Guilherme V. Moura, Jean-François Richard 538
and Hariharan Dharmarajan
Should Day Care be Subsidized?
David Domeij and Paul Klein 568
Insurance and Taxation over the Life Cycle
Emmanuel Farhi and Iván Werning 596
Banking: A New Monetarist Approach
Chao Gu, Fabrizio Mattesini, Cyril Monnet and Randall Wright 636
Health and (Other) Asset Holdings
Julien Hugonnier, Florian Pelgrin and Pascal St-Amour 663
Credit Constraints, Heterogeneous Firms, and International Trade
Kalina Manova 711
Consumption-Based Asset Pricing with Higher Cumulants
Ian W. R. Martin 745
The Three Horsemen of Riches: Plague, War, and Urbanization in Early Modern Europe
Nico Voigtländer and Hans-Joachim Voth 774
Optimal Contracts with Shirking
John Y. Zhu 812 | No. Panggil: JOX_RES_2013_2 |
Koleksi: Jurnal Internasional ::
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The Review Of Economic Studies : Vol. 80(1) No. 282 January 2013
Pengarang: Progressive Screening: Long-Term Contracting with a Privately Known Stochastic Process
Raphael Boleslavsky and Maher Said 1
Informed Trading and Portfolio Returns
Alex Boulatov, Terrence Hendershott and Dmitry Livdan 35
Assigning Resources to Budget-Constrained Agents
Yeon-Koo Che, Ian Gale and Jinwoo Kim 73
An Elementary Theory of Global Supply Chains
Arnaud Costinot, Jonathan Vogel and Su Wang 109
The Effect of Immigration along the Distribution of Wages
Christian Dustmann, Tommaso Frattini and Ian P. Preston 145
A Structural Approach to Identifying the Sources of Local Currency Price Stability
Pinelopi Koujianou Goldberg and Rebecca Hellerstein 175
Credit within the Firm
Luigi Guiso, Luigi Pistaferri and Fabiano Schivardi 211
Inventories, Markups, and Real Rigidities in Menu Cost Models
Oleksiy Kryvtsov and Virgiliu Midrigan 249
Aggregating Information by Voting: The Wisdom of the Experts versus the Wisdom of
the Masses
Joseph C. McMurray 277
Quick Job Entry or Long-Term Human Capital Development? The Dynamic Effects of
Alternative Training Schemes
Aderonke Osikominu 313
Discrete Choice Non-Response
Esmeralda A. Ramalho and Richard J. Smith 343
Robust Predictions in Infi nite-Horizon Games—an Unrefi nable Folk Theorem
Jonathan Weinstein and Muhamet Yildiz 365
Cooperation with Network Monitoring
Alexander Wolitzky 395 | No. Panggil: JOX_RES_2013_1 |
Koleksi: Jurnal Internasional ::
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The Review Of Economic Studies : Vol. 80(3) No. 284 July 2013
Pengarang: Why Do Voters Dismantle Checks and Balances?
Daron Acemoglu, James A. Robinson and Ragnar Torvik 845
What Drives Taxi Drivers? A Field Experiment on Fraud in a Market for Credence Goods
Loukas Balafoutas, Adrian Beck, Rudolf Kerschbamer and Matthias Sutter 876
Identifi cation-Robust Estimation and Testing of the Zero-Beta CAPM
Marie-Claude Beaulieu, Jean-Marie Dufour and Lynda Khalaf 892
A Foundation for Markov Equilibria in Sequential Games with Finite Social Memory
V. Bhaskar, George J. Mailath and Stephen Morris 925
Overconfi dence and Social Signalling
Stephen V. Burks, Jeffrey P. Carpenter, Lorenz Goette and Aldo Rustichini 949
The Binarized Scoring Rule
Tanjim Hossain and Ryo Okui 984
Sales Talk, Cancellation Terms and the Role of Consumer Protection
Roman Inderst and Marco Ottaviani 1002
Effi cient Allocations in Dynamic Private Information Economies with Persistent Shocks:
A First-Order Approach
Marek Kapiˇcka 1027
Why are Married Men Working So Much? An Aggregate Analysis of Intra-Household
Bargaining and Labour Supply
John A. Knowles 1055
On-the-Job Search and Precautionary Savings
Jeremy Lise 1086
War Signals: A Theory of Trade, Trust, and Confl ict
Dominic Rohner, Mathias Thoenig and Fabrizio Zilibotti 1114
Household Need for Liquidity and the Credit Card Debt Puzzle
Irina A. Telyukova 1148
Estimating Ethnic Preferences Using Ethnic Housing Quotas in Singapore
Maisy Wong 1178 | No. Panggil: JOX_RES_2013_3 |
Koleksi: Jurnal Internasional ::
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The Review Of Economic Studies : Vol. 80(4) No. 285 October 2013
Pengarang: Endogenous Group Formation via Unproductive Costs
Jason A. Aimone, Laurence R. Iannaccone, Michael D. Makowsky and Jared Rubin 1215
Broadband Internet: An Information Superhighway to Sex Crime?
Manudeep Bhuller, Tarjei Havnes, Edwin Leuven and Magne Mogstad 1237
Estimating Consumption Economies of Scale, Adult Equivalence Scales, and Household
Bargaining Power
Martin Browning, Pierre-André Chiappori and Arthur Lewbel 1267
On the Correlation Structure of Microstructure Noise: A Financial Economic Approach
Francis X. Diebold and Georg Strasser 1304
R&D and Productivity: Estimating Endogenous Productivity
Ulrich Doraszelski and Jordi Jaumandreu 1338
Commodity Price Shocks and Civil Confl ict: Evidence from Colombia
Oeindrila Dube and Juan F. Vargas 1384
Information Manipulation, Coordination, and Regime Change
Chris Edmond 1422
The Economic Returns to Social Interaction: Experimental Evidence from Microfi nance
Benjamin Feigenberg, Erica Field and Rohini Pande 1459
Capital Flows to Developing Countries: The Allocation Puzzle
Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas and Olivier Jeanne 1484
Contracting under Incomplete Information and Social Preferences: An Experimental Study
Eva I. Hoppe and Patrick W. Schmitz 1516
Stochastic Search Equilibrium
Giuseppe Moscarini and Fabien Postel-Vinay 1545
The Proximity-Concentration Tradeoff under Uncertainty
Natalia Ramondo, Veronica Rappoport and Kim J. Ruhl 1582
Candidates, Credibility, and Re-election Incentives
Richard Van Weelden 1622 | No. Panggil: JOX_RES_2013_4 |
Koleksi: Jurnal Internasional ::
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The Review Of Economic Studies : Vol. 81(2) No. 287 April 2014
Pengarang: Resource Allocation in the Brain
Ricardo Alonso, Isabelle Brocas and Juan D. Carrillo 501
Pounds That Kill: The External Costs of Vehicle Weight
Michael L. Anderson and Maximilian Auffhammer 535
Do Firms Want to Borrow More? Testing Credit Constraints Using a Directed Lending Program
Abhijit V. Banerjee and Esther Dufl o 572
Inference on Treatment Effects after Selection among High-Dimensional Controls
Alexandre Belloni, Victor Chernozhukov and Christian Hansen 608
When Demand Creates its Own Supply: Saving Traps
Christophe Chamley 651
Roads and Trade: Evidence from the US
Gilles Duranton, Peter M. Morrow and Matthew A. Turner 681
Fiscal Devaluations
Emmanuel Farhi, Gita Gopinath and Oleg Itskhoki 725
Pricing-to-Market: Evidence From Plant-Level Prices
Doireann Fitzgerald and Stefanie Haller 761
Growing up in a Recession
Paola Giuliano and Antonio Spilimbergo 787
Taxation of Human Capital and Wage Inequality: A Cross-Country Analysis
Fatih Guvenen, Burhanettin Kuruscu and Serdar Ozkan 818
A Canonical Model of Choice with Initial Endowments
Yusufcan Masatlioglu and Efe A. Ok 851
Optimal Taxation in a Limited Commitment Economy
Yena Park 884 | No. Panggil: JOX_RES_2014_2 |
Koleksi: Jurnal Internasional ::
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The Review Of Economic Studies : Vol. 82(2) No. 291 April 2015
Pengarang: History, Expectations, and Leadership in the Evolution of Social Norms
Daron Acemoglu and Matthew O. Jackson 423
The Impact of Competition on Management Quality: Evidence from Public Hospitals
Nicholas Bloom, Carol Propper, Stephan Seiler and John Van Reenen 457
Relational Contracts in Competitive Labour Markets
Simon Board and Moritz Meyer-Ter-Vehn 490
Cross-Border Banking and Global Liquidity
Valentina Bruno and Hyun Song Shin 535
From Polygyny to Serial Monogamy: A Unifi ed Theory of Marriage Institutions
David De La Croix and Fabio Mariani 565
Bargaining and Reputation: An Experiment on Bargaining in the Presence of Behavioural Types
Matthew Embrey, Guillaume R. Fréchette and Steven F. Lehrer 608
Optimal Contracting and the Organization of Knowledge
William Fuchs, Luis Garicano and Luis Rayo 632
The U-Shapes of Occupational Mobility
Fane Groes, Philipp Kircher and Iourii Manovskii 659
The Informational Content of Surnames, the Evolution of Intergenerational Mobility, and
Assortative Mating
Maia Güell, José V. Rodríguez Mora and Christopher I. Telmer 693
On Transparency in Organizations
Philippe Jehiel 736
Optimal Sales Contracts with Withdrawal Rights
Daniel Krähmer and Roland Strausz 762
Determinants of College Major Choice: Identifi cation using an Information Experiment
Matthew Wiswall and Basit Zafar 791 | No. Panggil: JOX_RES_2015_2 |
Koleksi: Jurnal Internasional ::
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Review of Finance : Volume 17 Number 2 April 2013
Pengarang: The Determinants of Mutual Fund Performance:
A Cross-Country Study
Miguel A. Ferreira, Aneel Keswani, António F. Miguel,
and Sofia B. Ramos
Say on Pay Votes and CEO Compensation: Evidence from
the UK
Fabrizio Ferri and David A. Maber
Do Investors Suffer from Money Illusion? A Direct Test of the
Modigliani–Cohn Hypothesis
Daniella Acker and Nigel W. Duck
Performance Evaluation and Financial Market Runs
Wolf Wagner
Noise Trading and Illusory Correlations in US Equity Markets
Jennifer C. Bender, Carol L. Osler, and David Simon
Competition, Bonuses, and Risk-taking in the Banking
Christina E. Bannier, Eberhard Feess, and Natalie Packham
Institutional Investors as Minority Shareholders
Assaf Hamdani and Yishay Yafeh
Evolutionary Beliefs and Financial Markets
Elyès Jouini, Clotilde Napp, and Yannick Viossat
Equity Issues and Return Volatility
Borja Larrain and Felipe Varas
Sources of Momentum Profits: Evidence on the Irrelevance
of Characteristics
Pavel Bandarchuk and Jens Hilscher | No. Panggil: JOX_RoF_2013_2 |
Koleksi: Jurnal Internasional ::
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Socio-Economic Review : Volume 11 Number 2 2013
Pengarang: EDITORIAL
Cornelia Storz, Bruno Amable, Steven Casper and
Sebastien Lechevalier Bringing Asia into the
Comparative Capitalism Perspective
Masahiko Aoki Historical sources of institutional
trajectories in economic development: China, Japan
and Korea compared
Michael A. Witt and Gordon Redding Asian business
systems: institutional comparison, clusters and
implications for varieties of capitalism and business
systems theory
Xiaoke Zhang and Richard Whitley Changing
macro-structural varieties of East Asian capitalism
Kenji E. Kushida and Kay Shimizu Syncretism: the
politics of Japan’s financial reforms
Coralie Reslinger Is there an Asian model of
technological emergence? | No. Panggil: JOX_SER_2013_2 |
Koleksi: Jurnal Internasional ::
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The Review of Financial Studies : Volume 26 • Number 4 • April 2013
Pengarang: What Drives Stock Price Movements?
Long Chen, Zhi Da, and Xinlei Zhao
Understanding the Puzzling Risk-Return Relationship for Housing
Lu Han
The Delegated Lucas Tree
Ron Kaniel and Péter Kondor
Optimal Corporate Governance in the Presence of an Activist Investor
Jonathan B. Cohn and Uday Rajan
What Motivates Minority Acquisitions? The Trade-Off s between a Partial Equity
Stake and Complete Integration
Paige Parker Ouimet
Optimal Convergence Trade Strategies
Jun Liu and Allan Timmermann | No. Panggil: JOX_RFS_2013_4 |
Koleksi: Jurnal Internasional ::
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Review of Finance : Volume 18 Number 2 April 2014
Pengarang: The Impact of Public Guarantees on Bank Risk-Taking:
Evidence from a Natural Experiment
Reint Gropp, Christian Gruendl and Andre Guettler
Regulating Conflicts of Interest: The Effect of Sanctions and
Michel Dubois, Laurent Fresard and Pascal Dumontier
Do Firms Benefit from Concentrating their Borrowing?
Evidence from the Great Recession
Giorgio Gobbi and Enrico Sette
Investing in a Global World
Jeffrey A. Busse, Amit Goyal and Sunil Wahal
Implied Price Risk and Momentum Strategy
Hongwei Chuang and Hwai-Chung Ho
Don’t Fight the Fed!
Paulo Maio
The Impact of Asset Repurchases and Issues in an
Experimental Market
Ernan Haruvy, Charles N. Noussair and Owen Powell
Cash Flow Hedging and Liquidity Choices
David Disatnik, Ran Duchin and Breno Schmidt
Equity Issuances, Equity Mutual Fund Flows, and
Noise Trader Sentiment
H.H. Chiu and O. Kini
A Multiperiod Bank Run Model for Liquidity Risk
Gechun Liang, Eva Lütkebohmert and Yajun Xiao | No. Panggil: JOX_RoF_2014_2 |
Koleksi: Jurnal Internasional ::
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