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Review of Environmental Economics and Policy : Volume 9 Issue 2 Summer 2015
Pengarang: Unemployment, Environmental Regulation, and Benefit-Cost Analysis Should Benefit–Cost Methods Take Account of High Unemployment? Symposium Introduction, V. Kerry Smith The Social Value of Job Loss and Its Effect on the Costs of U.S. Environmental Regulations, Timothy J. Bartik Environmental Regulations and the Welfare Effects of Job Layoffs in the United States: A Spatial Approach, Nicolai V. Kuminoff, Todd Schoellman, and Christopher Timmins A Macroeconomic Perspective on Evaluating Environmental Regulations, Richard Rogerson The Green Paradox and Climate Policy Introductory Comment—The Green Paradox: A Supply-Side View of the Climate Problem, Hans-Werner Sinn An Introduction to the Green Paradox: The Unintended Consequences of Climate Policies, Svenn Jensen, Kristina Mohlin, Karen Pittel, and Thomas Sterner The Green Paradox in Open Economies: Lessons from Static and Dynamic Models, Ngo Van Long Global Warming and the Green Paradox: A Review of Adverse Effects of Climate Policies, Frederick van der Ploeg and Cees Withagen Reflections—Managing Uncertain Climates: Some Guidance for Policy Makers and Researchers, Frank J. Convery and Gernot Wagner | No. Panggil: JOX_REEP_2015_2 |
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The Review Of Economic Studies : Vol. 81(1) No. 286 January 2014
Pengarang: Bargaining and Reputation in Search Markets Alp E. Atakan and Mehmet Ekmekci 1 Contractual Incompleteness, Unemployment, and Labour Market Segmentation Steffen Altmann, Armin Falk, Andreas Grunewald and David Huffman 30 Getting Parents Involved: A Field Experiment in Deprived Schools Francesco Avvisati, Marc Gurgand, Nina Guyon and Eric Maurin 57 Rent-sharing, Holdup, and Wages: Evidence from Matched Panel Data David Card, Francesco Devicienti and Agata Maida 84 Cycles and Instability in a Rock–Paper–Scissors Population Game: A Continuous Time Experiment Timothy N. Cason, Daniel Friedman and Ed Hopkins 112 Household Choices and Child Development Daniela Del Boca, Christopher Flinn and Matthew Wiswall 137 International Trade and Labour Income Risk in the U.S. Pravin Krishna and Mine Zeynep Senses 186 Parental Leave and Mothers’ Careers: The Relative Importance of Job Protection and Cash Benefi ts Rafael Lalive, Analía Schlosser, Andreas Steinhauer and Josef Zweimüller 219 Resale and Rent-Seeking: An Application to Ticket Markets Phillip Leslie and Alan Sorensen 266 Self-Organization for Collective Action: An Experimental Study of Voting on Sanction Regimes Thomas Markussen, Louis Putterman and Jean-Robert Tyran 301 Higher Order Risk Attitudes, Demographics, and Financial Decisions Charles N. Noussair, Stefan T. Trautmann and Gijs van de Kuilen 325 Exogenous Information, Endogenous Information, and Optimal Monetary Policy Luigi Paciello and Mirko Wiederholt 356 Pride and Prejudice: Using Ethnic-Sounding Names and Inter-Ethnic Marriages to Identify Labour Market Discrimination Yona Rubinstein and Dror Brenner 389 A Major in Science? Initial Beliefs and Final Outcomes for College Major and Dropout Ralph Stinebrickner and Todd R. Stinebrickner 426 Individual Learning and Cooperation in Noisy Repeated Games Yuichi Yamamoto 473 | No. Panggil: JOX_RES_2014_1 |
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The Review Of Economic Studies : Vol. 82(1) No. 290 January 2015
Pengarang: Estimates of the Trade and Welfare Effects of NAFTA Lorenzo Caliendo and Fernando Parro 1 Learning and Model Validation In-Koo Cho and Kenneth Kasa 45 A Linder Hypothesis for Foreign Direct Investment Pablo Fajgelbaum, Gene M. Grossman and Elhanan Helpman 83 Do Competitive Workplaces Deter Female Workers? A Large-Scale Natural Field Experiment on Job Entry Decisions Jeffrey A. Flory, Andreas Leibbrandt and John A. List 122 Does Belief Heterogeneity Explain Asset Prices: The Case of the Longshot Bias Amit Gandhi and Ricardo Serrano-Padial 156 Projects and Team Dynamics George Georgiadis 187 Consumer Inattention and Bill-Shock Regulation Michael D. Grubb 219 Goods Prices and Availability in Cities Jessie Handbury and David E. Weinstein 258 Loss Aversion and Ineffi cient Renegotiation Fabian Herweg and Klaus M. Schmidt 297 Dissecting the Effect of Credit Supply on Trade: Evidence from Matched Credit-Export Data Daniel Paravisini, Veronica Rappoport, Philipp Schnabl and Daniel Wolfenzon 333 Multiproduct Retailing Andrew Rhodes 360 Contractible Contracts in Common Agency Problems Balázs Szentes 391 | No. Panggil: JOX_RES_2015_1 |
Koleksi: Jurnal Internasional  :: Cari yang mirip  :: Tambahkan ke Favorit  ::
Review of Environmental Economics and Policy : Volume 8 Issue 1 Winter 2014
Pengarang: Two Decades of European Climate Policy: A Critical Appraisal, Christoph Böhringer Bridging the Energy Efficiency Gap: Policy Insights from Economic Theory and Empirical Evidence, Kenneth Gillingham and Karen Palmer The Curious Treatment of the Coase Theorem in the Environmental Economics Literature, 1960–1979, Steven G. Medema The Economics of Dead Zones: Causes, Impacts, Policy Challenges, and a Model of the Gulf of Mexico Hypoxic Zone, S. S. Rabotyagov, C. L. Kling, P. W. Gassman, N. N. Rabalais, and R. E. Turner Rights, Rewards, and Resources: Lessons from Community Forestry in South Asia, Priya Shyamsundar and Rucha Ghate Policy Monitor—Pay or Waive: An Economic Assessment of Property Owner Compensation Laws in the United States, Cyrus Grout, Andrew J. Plantinga, and William K. Jaeger Reflections—Uncertainty and Decision Making in Climate Change Economics Geoffrey Heal and Antony Millner | No. Panggil: JOX_REEP_2014_1 |
Koleksi: Jurnal Internasional  :: Cari yang mirip  :: Tambahkan ke Favorit  ::
Review of Environmental Economics and Policy : Volume 9 Issue 1 Winter 2015
Pengarang: Offshore Oil and Gas Drilling: A Review of Regulatory Regimes in the United States, United Kingdom, and Norway, Lori S. Bennear Conservation Planning: A Review of Return on Investment Analysis, James Boyd, Rebecca Epanchin-Niell and Juha Siikamäki The Early History of Environmental Economics, Agnar Sandmo Prospects for Natural Gas in a Low-Carbon Context Natural Gas: An Overview of a Lower-Carbon Transformation Fuel, Anne Neumann and Christian von Hirschhausen A Global Perspective on the Future of Natural Gas: Resources, Trade, and Climate Constraints, Franziska Holz, Philipp M. Richter and Ruud Egging Regulation of Natural Gas in the United States, Canada, and Europe: Prospects for a Low Carbon Fuel, Jeff D. Makholm Policy Monitor—Bonding Requirements for U.S. Natural Gas Producers, Lucas W. Davis Book Review—A Review of William Nordhaus’ The Climate Casino: Risk, Uncertainty, and Economics for a Warming World, Martin L. Weitzman | No. Panggil: JOX_REEP_2015_1 |
Koleksi: Jurnal Internasional  :: Cari yang mirip  :: Tambahkan ke Favorit  ::
The Quaterly Journal of Economics : Volume 128 August 2013 Issue 3
Pengarang: DAVID CARD, JÖRG HEINING, AND PATRICK KLINE Workplace Heterogeneity and the Rise of West German Wage Inequality 967 TOM S. VOGL Marriage Institutions and Sibling Competition: Evidence from South Asia 1017 MARCIN KACPERCZYK AND PHILIPP SCHNABL How Safe Are Money Market Funds? 1073 KORY KROFT, FABIAN LANGE, AND MATTHEW J. NOTOWIDIGDO Duration Dependence and Labor Market Conditions: Evidence from a Field Experiment 1123 ERNESTO DAL Bó, FREDERICO FINAN, AND MARTíN A. ROSSI Strengthening State Capabilities: The Role of Financial Incentives in the Call to Public Service 1169 KONRAD B. BURCHARDI AND TAREK A. HASSAN The Economic Impact of Social Ties: Evidence from German Reunifi cation 1219 T. RENEE BOWEN, DAVID M. KREPS, AND ANDRZEJ SKRZYPACZ Rules with Discretion and Local Information 1273 GABRIEL ZUCMAN The Missing Wealth of Nations: Are Europe and the U.S. Net Debtors or Net Creditors? 1321 ALP SIMSEK Speculation and Risk Sharing with New Financial Assets 1365 CHRIS BIDNER AND PATRICK FRANCOIS The Emergence of Political Accountability 1397 | No. Panggil: JOX_QJE_2013_3 |
Koleksi: Jurnal Internasional  :: Cari yang mirip  :: Tambahkan ke Favorit  ::
The Quaterly Journal of Economics : Volume 128 November 2013 Issue 4
Pengarang: JUSTINE S. HASTINGS AND JESSE M. SHAPIRO Fungibility and Consumer Choice: Evidence from Commodity Price Shocks 1449 ESTHER DUFLO, MICHAEL GREENSTONE, ROHINI PANDE, AND NICHOLAS RYAN Truth-Telling by Third-Party Auditors and the Response of Polluting Firms: Experimental Evidence from India 1499 ITZHAK BEN-DAVID, JOHN R. GRAHAM, AND CAMPBELL R. HARVEY Managerial Miscalibration 1547 FUHITO KOJIMA, PARAG A. PATHAK, AND ALVIN E. ROTH Matching with Couples: Stability and Incentives in Large Markets 1585 ANDREAS MADESTAM, DANIEL SHOAG, STAN VEUGER, AND DAVID YANAGIZAWA-DROTT Do Political Protests Matter? Evidence from the Tea Party Movement 1633 ATIF MIAN, KAMALESH RAO, AND AMIR SUFI Household Balance Sheets, Consumption, and the Economic Slump 1687 ALWYN YOUNG Inequality, the Urban-Rural Gap, and Migration 1727 W. REED WALKER The Transitional Costs of Sectoral Reallocation: Evidence from the Clean Air Act and the Workforce 1787 RODNEY D. LUDEMA AND ANNA MARIA MAYDA Do Terms-of-Trade Effects Matter for Trade Agreements? Theory and Evidence from WTO Countries 1837 GARY LYN AND ANDRÉS RODRÍGUEZ-CLARE External Economies and International Trade Redux: Comment 1895 | No. Panggil: JOX_QJE_2013_4 |
Koleksi: Jurnal Internasional  :: Cari yang mirip  :: Tambahkan ke Favorit  ::
The Review Of Economic Studies : Vol. 81(3) No. 288 July 2014
Pengarang: Asymptotic Effi ciency of Semiparametric Two-step GMM Daniel Ackerberg, Xiaohong Chen, Jinyong Hahn and Zhipeng Liao 919 Imperfect Choice or Imperfect Attention? Understanding Strategic Thinking in Private Information Games Isabelle Brocas, Juan D. Carrillo, Stephanie W. Wang and Colin F. Camerer 944 Student Portfolios and the College Admissions Problem Hector Chade, Gregory Lewis and Lones Smith 971 Upstream Innovation and Product Variety in the U.S. Home PC Market Alon Eizenberg 1003 Trade Integration, Market Size, and Industrialization: Evidence from China’s National Trunk Highway System Benjamin Faber 1046 Universal Social Orderings: An Integrated Theory of Policy Evaluation, Inter-Society Comparisons, and Interpersonal Comparisons Marc Fleurbaey and Koichi Tadenuma 1071 Customer Capital François Gourio and Leena Rudanko 1102 Heterogeneous Beliefs and Tests of Present Value Models Kenneth Kasa, Todd B. Walker and Charles H. Whiteman 1137 When Strong Ties are Strong: Networks and Youth Labour Market Entry Francis Kramarz and Oskar Nordström Skans 1164 Moral Hazard, Incentive Contracts, and Risk: Evidence from Procurement Gregory Lewis and Patrick Bajari 1201 Semiparametric Inference in Dynamic Binary Choice Models A. Norets and X. Tang 1229 Learning Your Comparative Advantages Theodore Papageorgiou 1263 Optimal Income Taxation with Adverse Selection in the Labour Market Stefanie Stantcheva 1296 | No. Panggil: JOX_RES_2014_3 |
Koleksi: Jurnal Internasional  :: Cari yang mirip  :: Tambahkan ke Favorit  ::
The Review Of Economic Studies : Vol. 81(4) No. 289 October 2014
Pengarang: Learning, Misallocation, and Technology Adoption: Evidence from New Malaria Therapy in Tanzania Achyuta Adhvaryu 1331 Demand Reduction and Ineffi ciency in Multi-Unit Auctions Lawrence M. Ausubel, Peter Cramton, Marek Pycia, Marzena Rostek and Marek Weretka 1366 Equilibrium Pricing and Trading Volume under Preference Uncertainty Bruno Biais, Johan Hombert and Pierre-Olivier Weill 1401 Information Acquisition and Welfare Luca Colombo, Gianluca Femminis and Alessandro Pavan 1438 Education and Crime over the Life Cycle Giulio Fella and Giovanni Gallipoli 1484 Attack, Defence, and Contagion in Networks Sanjeev Goyal and Adrien Vigier 1518 New, Like New, or Very Good? Reputation and Credibility Bruno Jullien and In-Uck Park 1543 Employer Learning, Productivity, and the Earnings Distribution: Evidence from Performance Measures Lisa B. Kahn and Fabian Lange 1575 Instrumental Variables with Unrestricted Heterogeneity and Continuous Treatment Maximilian Kasy 1614 Fiscal Policy in an Expectations-Driven Liquidity Trap Karel R. S. M. Mertens and Morten O. Ravn 1637 Mechanism Design by an Informed Principal: Private Values with Transferable Utility Tymofi y Mylovanov and Thomas Tröger 1668 Complementary Bidding Mechanisms and Startup Costs in Electricity Markets Mar Reguant 1708 | No. Panggil: JOX_RES_2014_4 |
Koleksi: Jurnal Internasional  :: Cari yang mirip  :: Tambahkan ke Favorit  ::
The Review of Economic Studies : Vol. 82(3) No. 292 July 2015
Pengarang: Bargaining in Standing Committees with an Endogenous Default Vincent Anesi and Daniel J. Seidmann 825 On Existence and Uniqueness of Equilibrium in a Class of Noisy Rational Expectations Models Bradyn Breon-Drish 868 Signalling to Dispersed Shareholders and Corporate Control Mike Burkart and Samuel Lee 922 Credit Markets, Limited Commitment, and Government Debt Francesca Carapella and Stephen Williamson 963 Split-panel Jackknife Estimation of Fixed-effect Models Geert Dhaene and Koen Jochmans 991 The Baby Boom and World War II: A Macroeconomic Analysis Matthias Doepke, Moshe Hazan and Yishay D. Maoz 1031 Identifying and Testing Models of Managerial Compensation George-Levi Gayle and Roberta A. Miller 1074 Dynamic Competitive Economies with Complete Markets and Collateral Constraints Piero Gottardi and Felix Kubler 1119 Quid Pro Quo: Technology Capital Transfers for Market Access in China Thomas J. Holmes, Ellen R. Mcgrattan and Edward C. Prescott 1154 Financial Fragility in Small Open Economies: Firm Balance Sheets and the Sectoral Structure Yannick Kalantzis 1194 Implementation in Weakly Undominated Strategies: Optimality of Second-Price Auction and Posted-Price Mechanism Takuro Yamashita 1223 | No. Panggil: JOX_RES_2015_3 |
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