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The Review of Financial Studies : Volume 28 • Number 7 • July 2015
Pengarang: Confusion of Confusions: A Test of the Disposition Eff ect and Momentum Justin Birru Learning About Unstable, Publicly Unobservable Payoff s Elise Payzan-LeNestour and Peter Bossaerts Diff erences of Opinion, Endogenous Liquidity, and Asset Prices Emilio Osambela Modeling Credit Contagion via the Updating of Fragile Beliefs Luca Benzoni, Pierre Collin-Dufresne, Robert S. Goldstein, and Jean Helwege Home away from Home: Geography of Information and Local Investors Gennaro Bernile, Alok Kumar, and Johan Sulaeman Rumor Has It: Sensationalism in Financial Media Kenneth R. Ahern and Denis Sosyura Competition for Order Flow with Fast and Slow Traders Vincent van Kervel Do Individual Investors Treat Trading as a Fun and Exciting Gambling Activity? Evidence from Repeated Natural Experiments Xiaohui Gao and Tse-Chun Lin | No. Panggil: JOX_RFS_2015_7 |
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The Review of Financial Studies : Volume 28 • Number 8 • August 2015
Pengarang: Shareholder Voting and Corporate Governance Around the World Peter Iliev, Karl V. Lins, Darius P. Miller, and Lukas Roth The Bright Side of Corporate Diversifi cation: Evidence from Internal Labor Markets Geoff rey Tate and Liu Yang Territorial Tax System Reform and Corporate Financial Policies Matteo P. Arena and George W. Kutner What’s in a Name? Mutual Fund Flows When Managers Have Foreign-Sounding Names Alok Kumar, Alexandra Niessen-Ruenzi, and Oliver G. Spalt Information Management in Banking Crises Joel Shapiro and David Skeie Can “High Costs” Justify Weak Demand for the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage? Thomas Davidoff House Prices, Home Equity Borrowing, and Entrepreneurship Stefano Corradin and Alexander Popov Testing for Information Asymmetries in Real Estate Markets Pablo Kurlat and Johannes Stroebel | No. Panggil: JOX_RFS_2015_8 |
Koleksi: Jurnal Internasional  :: Cari yang mirip  :: Tambahkan ke Favorit  ::
The Review of Financial Studies : Volume 28 • Number 9 • September 2015
Pengarang: Financing Constraints and the Amplifi cation of Aggregate Downturns Daniel Carvalho Capital Structure, Investment, and Fire Sales Douglas Gale and Piero Gottardi A Theory of Income Smoothing When Insiders Know More Than Outsiders Viral V. Acharya and Bart M. Lambrecht Valuation, Adverse Selection, and Market Collapses Michael J. Fishman and Jonathan A. Parker On Bounding Credit-Event Risk Premia Jennie Bai, Pierre Collin-Dufresne, Robert S. Goldstein, and Jean Helwege Why Are University Endowments Large and Risky? Thomas Gilbert and Christopher Hrdlicka Optimal Tax Timing with Asymmetric Long-Term/Short-Term Capital Gains Tax Min Dai, Hong Liu, Chen Yang, and Yifei Zhong | No. Panggil: JOX_RFS_2015_9 |
Koleksi: Jurnal Internasional  :: Cari yang mirip  :: Tambahkan ke Favorit  ::
The Review of Financial Studies : Volume 28 • Number 10 • October 2015
Pengarang: The Real Eff ects of Hedge Fund Activism: Productivity, Asset Allocation, and Labor Outcomes Alon Brav, Wei Jiang, and Hyunseob Kim Board Structure and Monitoring: New Evidence from CEO Turnovers Lixiong Guo and Ronald W. Masulis Restraining Overconfi dent CEOs through Improved Governance: Evidence from the Sarbanes-Oxley Act Suman Banerjee, Mark Humphery-Jenner, and Vikram Nanda Expected Returns in Treasury Bonds Anna Cieslak and Pavol Povala Exploring Return Dynamics via Corridor Implied Volatility Torben G. Andersen, Oleg Bondarenko, and Maria T. Gonzalez-Perez Dynamic Thin Markets Marzena Rostek and Marek Weretka | No. Panggil: JOX_RFS_2015_10 |
Koleksi: Jurnal Internasional  :: Cari yang mirip  :: Tambahkan ke Favorit  ::
The Review of Financial Studies : Volume 28 • Number 11 • November 2015
Pengarang: The Sovereign Wealth Fund Discount: Evidence from Public Equity Investments Bernardo Bortolotti, Veljko Fotak, and William L. Megginson How Important Are Foreign Ownership Linkages for International Stock Returns? Söhnke M. Bartram, John M. Griffi n, Tae-Hoon Lim, and David T. Ng Understanding FX Liquidity Nina Karnaukh, Angelo Ranaldo, and Paul Söderlind Thinking Outside the Borders: Investors’ Underreaction to Foreign Operations Information Xing Huang Information, Analysts, and Stock Return Comovement Allaudeen Hameed, Randall Morck, Jianfeng Shen, and Bernard Yeung Valuing Changes in Political Networks: Evidence from Campaign Contributions to Close Congressional Elections Pat Akey | No. Panggil: JOX_RFS_2015_11 |
Koleksi: Jurnal Internasional  :: Cari yang mirip  :: Tambahkan ke Favorit  ::
Socio-Economic Review : Volume 12 Number 3 2014
Pengarang: ARTICLES Dan Lainer-Vos Brothers’ keepers: gift giving networks and the organization of Jewish American diaspora nationalism Jingjing Huo Insider and public information in varieties of capitalism Achim Goerres and Martin Höpner Polarizers or landscape groomers? An empirical analysis of party donations by the 100 largest German companies in 1984–2005 Stefan Thewissen Is it the income distribution or redistribution that affects growth? DISCUSSION FORUM Michèle Lamont, Stefan Beljean, and Matthew Clair What is missing? Cultural processes and causal pathways to inequality Understanding inequality through the lens of cultural processes: on Lamont, Beljean and Clair ‘What is Missing? Cultural Processes and Causal Pathways to Inequality’ Douglas S. Massey, Leslie McCall, Donald Tomaskovic-Devey, Dustin Avent-Holt, Philippe Monin, Bernard Forgues, and Tao Wang | No. Panggil: JOX_SER_2014_3 |
Koleksi: Jurnal Internasional  :: Cari yang mirip  :: Tambahkan ke Favorit  ::
Socio-Economic Review : Volume 12 Number 4 2014
Pengarang: Neil Fligstein and Jacob Habinek Sucker punched by the invisible hand: the world financial markets and the globalization of the US mortgage crisis Jaakko Aspara, Kalle Pajunen, Henrikki Tikkanen, and Risto Tainio Explaining corporate short-termism: self-reinforcing processes and biases among investors, the media and corporate managers Matthew E. Carnes and Isabela Mares Coalitional realignment and the adoption of non-contributory social insurance programmes in Latin America Pepper D. Culpepper and Aidan Regan Why don’t governments need trade unions anymore? The death of social pacts in Ireland and Italy Hector Cebolla-Boado and Luiz Ortiz Extrarepresentational types of political participation and models of trade unionism: a cross-country comparison STATE OF THE ART Daniel Hirschman and Elizabeth Popp Berman Do economists make policies? On the political effects of economics REVIEW ESSAY Bruno A mable Four books on (neo-)liberalism | No. Panggil: JOX_SER_2014_4 |
Koleksi: Jurnal Internasional  :: Cari yang mirip  :: Tambahkan ke Favorit  ::
The Review Of Economic Studies : Vol. 81(2) No. 287 April 2014
Pengarang: Resource Allocation in the Brain Ricardo Alonso, Isabelle Brocas and Juan D. Carrillo 501 Pounds That Kill: The External Costs of Vehicle Weight Michael L. Anderson and Maximilian Auffhammer 535 Do Firms Want to Borrow More? Testing Credit Constraints Using a Directed Lending Program Abhijit V. Banerjee and Esther Dufl o 572 Inference on Treatment Effects after Selection among High-Dimensional Controls Alexandre Belloni, Victor Chernozhukov and Christian Hansen 608 When Demand Creates its Own Supply: Saving Traps Christophe Chamley 651 Roads and Trade: Evidence from the US Gilles Duranton, Peter M. Morrow and Matthew A. Turner 681 Fiscal Devaluations Emmanuel Farhi, Gita Gopinath and Oleg Itskhoki 725 Pricing-to-Market: Evidence From Plant-Level Prices Doireann Fitzgerald and Stefanie Haller 761 Growing up in a Recession Paola Giuliano and Antonio Spilimbergo 787 Taxation of Human Capital and Wage Inequality: A Cross-Country Analysis Fatih Guvenen, Burhanettin Kuruscu and Serdar Ozkan 818 A Canonical Model of Choice with Initial Endowments Yusufcan Masatlioglu and Efe A. Ok 851 Optimal Taxation in a Limited Commitment Economy Yena Park 884 | No. Panggil: JOX_RES_2014_2 |
Koleksi: Jurnal Internasional  :: Cari yang mirip  :: Tambahkan ke Favorit  ::
The Review Of Economic Studies : Vol. 82(2) No. 291 April 2015
Pengarang: History, Expectations, and Leadership in the Evolution of Social Norms Daron Acemoglu and Matthew O. Jackson 423 The Impact of Competition on Management Quality: Evidence from Public Hospitals Nicholas Bloom, Carol Propper, Stephan Seiler and John Van Reenen 457 Relational Contracts in Competitive Labour Markets Simon Board and Moritz Meyer-Ter-Vehn 490 Cross-Border Banking and Global Liquidity Valentina Bruno and Hyun Song Shin 535 From Polygyny to Serial Monogamy: A Unifi ed Theory of Marriage Institutions David De La Croix and Fabio Mariani 565 Bargaining and Reputation: An Experiment on Bargaining in the Presence of Behavioural Types Matthew Embrey, Guillaume R. Fréchette and Steven F. Lehrer 608 Optimal Contracting and the Organization of Knowledge William Fuchs, Luis Garicano and Luis Rayo 632 The U-Shapes of Occupational Mobility Fane Groes, Philipp Kircher and Iourii Manovskii 659 The Informational Content of Surnames, the Evolution of Intergenerational Mobility, and Assortative Mating Maia Güell, José V. Rodríguez Mora and Christopher I. Telmer 693 On Transparency in Organizations Philippe Jehiel 736 Optimal Sales Contracts with Withdrawal Rights Daniel Krähmer and Roland Strausz 762 Determinants of College Major Choice: Identifi cation using an Information Experiment Matthew Wiswall and Basit Zafar 791 | No. Panggil: JOX_RES_2015_2 |
Koleksi: Jurnal Internasional  :: Cari yang mirip  :: Tambahkan ke Favorit  ::
Review of Environmental Economics and Policy : Volume 8 Issue 2 Summer 2014
Pengarang: Should Governments Use a Declining Discount Rate in Project Analysis? Kenneth J. Arrow, Maureen L. Cropper, Christian Gollier, Ben Groom, Geoffrey M. Heal, Richard G. Newell, William D. Nordhaus, Robert S. Pindyck, William A. Pizer, Paul R. Portney, Thomas Sterner, Richard S. J. Tol, and Martin L. Weitzman Corporate Environmental Strategies in Emerging Economies, Dietrich H. Earnhart, Madhu Khanna, and Thomas P. Lyon Long-Run Demand for Energy Services: Income and Price Elasticities over Two Hundred Years, Roger Fouquet The Supply of Environmentalism: Psychological Interventions and Economics, Edward L. Glaeser The Role of Standards in Eco-innovation: Lessons for Policymakers, Herman R. J. Vollebergh and Edwin van der Werf Climate Engineering Solar Geoengineering’s Brave New World: Thoughts on the Governance of an Unprecedented Technology, Scott Barrett Climate Engineering: Economic Considerations and Research Challenges, Gernot Klepper and Wilfried Rickels Policy Monitor—How Stringent Are the US EPA’s Proposed Carbon Pollution Standards for New Power Plants? Matthew J. Kotchen and Erin T. Mansur Reflections—Climate Policy: Science, Economics, and Extremes, Anthony C. Fisher and Phu V. Le | No. Panggil: JOX_REEP_2014_2 |
Koleksi: Jurnal Internasional  :: Cari yang mirip  :: Tambahkan ke Favorit  ::
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