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Review of Environmental Economics and Policy : Volume 8 Issue 2 Summer 2014
Pengarang: Should Governments Use a Declining Discount Rate in Project Analysis? Kenneth J. Arrow, Maureen L. Cropper, Christian Gollier, Ben Groom, Geoffrey M. Heal, Richard G. Newell, William D. Nordhaus, Robert S. Pindyck, William A. Pizer, Paul R. Portney, Thomas Sterner, Richard S. J. Tol, and Martin L. Weitzman Corporate Environmental Strategies in Emerging Economies, Dietrich H. Earnhart, Madhu Khanna, and Thomas P. Lyon Long-Run Demand for Energy Services: Income and Price Elasticities over Two Hundred Years, Roger Fouquet The Supply of Environmentalism: Psychological Interventions and Economics, Edward L. Glaeser The Role of Standards in Eco-innovation: Lessons for Policymakers, Herman R. J. Vollebergh and Edwin van der Werf Climate Engineering Solar Geoengineering’s Brave New World: Thoughts on the Governance of an Unprecedented Technology, Scott Barrett Climate Engineering: Economic Considerations and Research Challenges, Gernot Klepper and Wilfried Rickels Policy Monitor—How Stringent Are the US EPA’s Proposed Carbon Pollution Standards for New Power Plants? Matthew J. Kotchen and Erin T. Mansur Reflections—Climate Policy: Science, Economics, and Extremes, Anthony C. Fisher and Phu V. Le | No. Panggil: JOX_REEP_2014_2 |
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The Quaterly Journal of Economics : Volume 129 February 2014 Issue 1
Pengarang: GABRIEL CHODOROW-REICH The Employment Effects of Credit Market Disruptions: Firm-level Evidence from the 2008–9 Financial Crisis 1 LOUKAS KARABARBOUNIS AND BRENT NEIMAN The Global Decline of the Labor Share 61 ILYANA KUZIEMKO, RYAN W. BUELL, TALY REICH, AND MICHAEL I. NORTON ‘‘Last-Place Aversion’’: Evidence and Redistributive Implications 105 STELIOS MICHALOPOULOS AND ELIAS PAPAIOANNOU National Institutions and Subnational Development in Africa 151 JOSEPH VAVRA Infl ation Dynamics and Time-Varying Volatility: New Evidence and an SS Interpretation 215 NEIL WALLACE Optimal Money Creation in ‘‘Pure Currency’’ Economies: A Conjecture 259 PATRICK KLINE AND ENRICO MORETTI Local Economic Development, Agglomeration Economies, and the Big Push: 100 Years of Evidence from the Tennessee Valley Authority 275 HENRIK JACOBSEN KLEVEN, CAMILLE LANDAIS, EMMANUEL SAEZ, AND ESBEN SCHULTZ Migration and Wage Effects of Taxing Top Earners: Evidence from the Foreigners’ Tax Scheme in Denmark 333 ELIZABETH U. CASCIO AND EBONYA WASHINGTON Valuing the Vote: The Redistribution of Voting Rights and State Funds following the Voting Rights Act of 1965 379 STEPHEN B. BILLINGS, DAVID J. DEMING, AND JONAH ROCKOFF School Segregation, Educational Attainment, and Crime: Evidence from the End of Busing in Charlotte-Mecklenburg 435 | No. Panggil: JOX_QJE_2014_1 |
Koleksi: Jurnal Internasional  :: Cari yang mirip  :: Tambahkan ke Favorit  ::
The Review Of Economic Studies : Vol. 80(4) No. 285 October 2013
Pengarang: Endogenous Group Formation via Unproductive Costs Jason A. Aimone, Laurence R. Iannaccone, Michael D. Makowsky and Jared Rubin 1215 Broadband Internet: An Information Superhighway to Sex Crime? Manudeep Bhuller, Tarjei Havnes, Edwin Leuven and Magne Mogstad 1237 Estimating Consumption Economies of Scale, Adult Equivalence Scales, and Household Bargaining Power Martin Browning, Pierre-André Chiappori and Arthur Lewbel 1267 On the Correlation Structure of Microstructure Noise: A Financial Economic Approach Francis X. Diebold and Georg Strasser 1304 R&D and Productivity: Estimating Endogenous Productivity Ulrich Doraszelski and Jordi Jaumandreu 1338 Commodity Price Shocks and Civil Confl ict: Evidence from Colombia Oeindrila Dube and Juan F. Vargas 1384 Information Manipulation, Coordination, and Regime Change Chris Edmond 1422 The Economic Returns to Social Interaction: Experimental Evidence from Microfi nance Benjamin Feigenberg, Erica Field and Rohini Pande 1459 Capital Flows to Developing Countries: The Allocation Puzzle Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas and Olivier Jeanne 1484 Contracting under Incomplete Information and Social Preferences: An Experimental Study Eva I. Hoppe and Patrick W. Schmitz 1516 Stochastic Search Equilibrium Giuseppe Moscarini and Fabien Postel-Vinay 1545 The Proximity-Concentration Tradeoff under Uncertainty Natalia Ramondo, Veronica Rappoport and Kim J. Ruhl 1582 Candidates, Credibility, and Re-election Incentives Richard Van Weelden 1622 | No. Panggil: JOX_RES_2013_4 |
Koleksi: Jurnal Internasional  :: Cari yang mirip  :: Tambahkan ke Favorit  ::
The Review of Economic Studies : Vol. 82(4) No. 293 October 2015
Pengarang: College-Major Choice to College-Then-Major Choice Paola Bordon and Chao Fu 1247 Bad Boys: How Criminal Identity Salience Affects Rule Violation Alain Cohn, Michel André Maréchal and Thomas Noll 1289 Corporate Prediction Markets: Evidence from Google, Ford, and Firm X Bo Cowgill and Eric Zitzewitz 1309 Time Varying Structural Vector Autoregressions and Monetary Policy: A Corrigendum Marco Del Negro and Giorgio E. Primiceri 1342 The Mortality Cost of Political Connections Raymond Fisman and Yongxiang Wang 1346 Securitization and Lending Competition David M. Frankel and Yu Jin 1383 State Capacity and Military Confl ict Nicola Gennaioli and Hans-Joachim Voth 1409 Real Options and Risk Dynamics Dirk Hackbarth and Timothy Johnson 1449 Mediation and Peace Johannes Hörner, Massimo Morelli and Francesco Squintani 1483 Business Cycle Dynamics under Rational Inattention Bartosz Mac´kowiak and Mirko Wiederholt 1502 Uncertainty, Information Acquisition, and Price Swings in Asset Markets Antonio Mele and Francesco Sangiorgi 1533 The Institutional Causes of China’s Great Famine, 1959–1961 Xin Meng, Nancy Qian and Pierre Yared 1568 Income Differences and Prices of Tradables: Insights from an Online Retailer Ina Simonovska 1612 | No. Panggil: JOX_RES_2015_4 |
Koleksi: Jurnal Internasional  :: Cari yang mirip  :: Tambahkan ke Favorit  ::
Review of Finance : Volume 17 Number 2 April 2013
Pengarang: The Determinants of Mutual Fund Performance: A Cross-Country Study Miguel A. Ferreira, Aneel Keswani, António F. Miguel, and Sofia B. Ramos Say on Pay Votes and CEO Compensation: Evidence from the UK Fabrizio Ferri and David A. Maber Do Investors Suffer from Money Illusion? A Direct Test of the Modigliani–Cohn Hypothesis Daniella Acker and Nigel W. Duck Performance Evaluation and Financial Market Runs Wolf Wagner Noise Trading and Illusory Correlations in US Equity Markets Jennifer C. Bender, Carol L. Osler, and David Simon Competition, Bonuses, and Risk-taking in the Banking Industry Christina E. Bannier, Eberhard Feess, and Natalie Packham Institutional Investors as Minority Shareholders Assaf Hamdani and Yishay Yafeh Evolutionary Beliefs and Financial Markets Elyès Jouini, Clotilde Napp, and Yannick Viossat Equity Issues and Return Volatility Borja Larrain and Felipe Varas Sources of Momentum Profits: Evidence on the Irrelevance of Characteristics Pavel Bandarchuk and Jens Hilscher | No. Panggil: JOX_RoF_2013_2 |
Koleksi: Jurnal Internasional  :: Cari yang mirip  :: Tambahkan ke Favorit  ::
Review of Finance : Volume 17 Number 3 July 2013
Pengarang: Who takes Risks When and Why: Determinants of Changes in Investor Risk Taking Martin Weber, Elke U. Weber, and Alen Nosic´ Portfolio Pumping, Trading Activity and Fund Performance Sugato Bhattacharyya and Vikram Nanda Investor Sentiment and Return Comovements: Evidence from Stock Splits and Headquarters Changes Alok Kumar, Jeremy K. Page, and Oliver G. Spalt Portfolio Choice and Mental Health Vicki L. Bogan and Angela R. Fertig The Effect of Issuer Conservatism on IPO Pricing and Performance Stephen P. Ferris, (Grace) Qing Hao, and (Stella) Min-Yu Liao The World Business Cycle and Expected Returns Ilan Cooper and Richard Priestley Three Solutions to the Pricing Kernel Puzzle Thorsten Hens and Christian Reichlin When Do Managers Seek Private Equity Backing in Public-to-Private Transactions? Jana P. Fidrmuc, Alessandro Palandri, Peter Roosenboom, and Dick van Dijk Hedge Funds and Equity Prices Yawen Jiao Market Selection and Welfare in a Multi-asset Economy Yurii Fedyk, Christian Heyerdahl-Larsen, and Johan Walden | No. Panggil: JOX_RoF_2013_3A |
Koleksi: Jurnal Internasional  :: Cari yang mirip  :: Tambahkan ke Favorit  ::
Review of Finance : Volume 17 Number 5 September 2013
Pengarang: Do Public Equity Markets Matter in Emerging Economies? Evidence from India Radhakrishnan Gopalan and Todd A. Gormley Politically Connected Boards of Directors and The Allocation of Procurement Contracts Eitan Goldman, Jörg Rocholl and Jongil So The Real Option Value of Cash Michael Kisser Trading and Under-Diversification Anders Anderson Are Monthly Seasonals Real? A Three Century Perspective Cherry Y. Zhang and Ben Jacobsen Why Do Firms Pay Dividends?: Evidence from an Early and Unregulated Capital Market John D. Turner, Qing Ye and Wenwen Zhan Working Capital Management and Shareholders’ Wealth Robert Kieschnick, Mark Laplante and Rabih Moussawi | No. Panggil: JOX_RoF_2013_4 |
Koleksi: Jurnal Internasional  :: Cari yang mirip  :: Tambahkan ke Favorit  ::
Review of Finance : Volume 17 Number 6 November 2013
Pengarang: Payment Defaults and Interfirm Liquidity Provision Frederic Boissay and Reint Gropp Product Market Linkages, Manager Quality, and Mutual Fund Performance Lixin Huang and Jayant R. Kale The Risk Sensitivity of Capital Requirements: Evidence from an International Sample of Large Banks Francesco Vallascas and Jens Hagendorff Governance and Equity Prices: Does Transparency Matter? Lifeng Gu and Dirk Hackbarth Risk in Islamic Banking Pejman Abedifar, Philip Molyneux and Amine Tarazi Irrationality or Efficiency of Macroeconomic Survey Forecasts? Implications from the Anchoring Bias Test Dieter Hess and Sebastian Orbe | No. Panggil: JOX_RoF_2013_5 |
Koleksi: Jurnal Internasional  :: Cari yang mirip  :: Tambahkan ke Favorit  ::
Review of Finance : Volume 19 Number 2 March 2015
Pengarang: Ending “Too Big To Fail”: Government Promises Versus Investor Perceptions Todd A. Gormley, Simon Johnson and Changyong Rhee Multiple Bank Lending, Creditor Rights, and Information Sharing Alberto Bennardo, Marco Pagano and Salvatore Piccolo The Effects of Government-Sponsored Venture Capital: International Evidence James A. Brander, Qianqian Du and Thomas Hellmann Performance Terms in CEO Compensation Contracts David De Angelis and Yaniv Grinstein Small Banks and Local Economic Development Hendrik Hakenes, Iftekhar Hasan, Philip Molyneux and Ru Xie Financial Network Systemic Risk Contributions Nikolaus Hautsch, Julia Schaumburg and Melanie Schienle Household Portfolio Risk Alessandro Bucciol and Raffaele Miniaci Casting Doubt on the Predictability of Stock Returns in Real Time: Bayesian Model Averaging using Realistic Priors James A. Turner Taxation, Transfer Income and Stock Market Participation Marcel Fischer and Bjarne Astrup Jensen Stealth Trading and Trade Reporting by Corporate Insiders André Betzer, Jasmin Gider, Daniel Metzger and Erik Theissen Variance Reduction for Asian Options under a General Model Framework Kemal Dinçer Dingeç, Halis Sak and Wolfgang Hörmann | No. Panggil: JOX_RoF_2015_1B |
Koleksi: Jurnal Internasional  :: Cari yang mirip  :: Tambahkan ke Favorit  ::
Review of Finance : Volume 19 Number 3 May 2015
Pengarang: Funding Versus Real Economy Shock: The Impact of the 2007–09 Crisis on Small Firms’ Credit Availability Gunhild Berg and Karolin Kirschenmann Modeling the Dynamics of Correlations among Implied Volatilities Robert Engle and Stephen Figlewski Improving Investment Decisions with Simulated Experience Meike A. S. Bradbury, Thorsten Hens and Stefan Zeisberger Learning about Rare Disasters: Implications For Consumption and Asset Prices Max Gillman, Michal Kejak and Michal Pakoš Informed Headquarters and Socialistic Internal Capital Markets Daniel Hoang and Martin Ruckes The Impact of Weather on German Retail Investors Jochen M. Schmittmann, Jenny Pirschel, Steffen Meyer and Andreas Hackethal Bank Risk and Competition: Evidence from Regional Banking Markets Thomas Kick and Esteban Prieto Jump-Diffusion Long-Run Risks Models, Variance Risk Premium, and Volatility Dynamics Jianjian Jin Credit Markets with Ethical Banks and Motivated Borrowers Francesca Barigozzi and Piero Tedeschi Stakeholder Governance, Competition, and Firm Value Franklin Allen, Elena Carletti and Robert Marquez | No. Panggil: JOX_RoF_2015_2 |
Koleksi: Jurnal Internasional  :: Cari yang mirip  :: Tambahkan ke Favorit  ::
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