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Literary Theory
Pengarang: Carter, David | No. Panggil: 801.95 CAR l |
Koleksi: Buku Teks  :: Cari yang mirip  :: Tambahkan ke Favorit  ::
How to Write Critical Essays: a guide for students of literature
Pengarang: Pirie, David B. | No. Panggil: eBLL-00017 |
Koleksi: eBook - Language & Literature   :: Cari yang mirip  :: Tambahkan ke Favorit  ::
The Quaterly Journal of Economics : Volume 128 August 2013 Issue 3
Pengarang: DAVID CARD, JÖRG HEINING, AND PATRICK KLINE Workplace Heterogeneity and the Rise of West German Wage Inequality 967 TOM S. VOGL Marriage Institutions and Sibling Competition: Evidence from South Asia 1017 MARCIN KACPERCZYK AND PHILIPP SCHNABL How Safe Are Money Market Funds? 1073 KORY KROFT, FABIAN LANGE, AND MATTHEW J. NOTOWIDIGDO Duration Dependence and Labor Market Conditions: Evidence from a Field Experiment 1123 ERNESTO DAL Bó, FREDERICO FINAN, AND MARTíN A. ROSSI Strengthening State Capabilities: The Role of Financial Incentives in the Call to Public Service 1169 KONRAD B. BURCHARDI AND TAREK A. HASSAN The Economic Impact of Social Ties: Evidence from German Reunifi cation 1219 T. RENEE BOWEN, DAVID M. KREPS, AND ANDRZEJ SKRZYPACZ Rules with Discretion and Local Information 1273 GABRIEL ZUCMAN The Missing Wealth of Nations: Are Europe and the U.S. Net Debtors or Net Creditors? 1321 ALP SIMSEK Speculation and Risk Sharing with New Financial Assets 1365 CHRIS BIDNER AND PATRICK FRANCOIS The Emergence of Political Accountability 1397 | No. Panggil: JOX_QJE_2013_3 |
Koleksi: Jurnal Internasional  :: Cari yang mirip  :: Tambahkan ke Favorit  ::
The Quaterly Journal of Economics : Volume 129 August 2014 Issue 3
Pengarang: CHANG-TAI HSIEH AND PETER J. KLENOW The Life Cycle of Plants in India and Mexico 1035 TREB ALLEN AND COSTAS ARKOLAKIS Trade and the Topography of the Spatial Economy 1085 RAJ CHETTY, JOHN N. FRIEDMAN, SØREN LETH-PETERSEN, TORBEN HEIEN NIELSEN, AND TORE OLSEN Active vs. Passive Decisions and Crowd-Out in Retirement Savings Accounts: Evidence from Denmark 1141 NICOLA GENNAIOLI, ANDREI SHLEIFER, AND ROBERT VISHNY Finance and the Preservation of Wealth 1221 THOMAS PIKETTY AND GABRIEL ZUCMAN Capital is Back: Wealth-Income Ratios in Rich Countries 1700–2010 1255 REMA HANNA, SENDHIL MULLAINATHAN, AND JOSHUA SCHWARTZSTEIN Learning Through Noticing: Theory and Evidence from a Field Experiment 1311 ROLAND G. FRYER, JR. Injecting Charter School Best Practices into Traditional Public Schools: Evidence from Field Experiments 1355 THOMAS BUSER, MURIEL NIEDERLE, AND HESSEL OOSTERBEEK Gender, Competitiveness, and Career Choices 1409 JOSÉ LUIS MONTIEL OLEA AND TOMASZ STRZALECKI Axiomatization and Measurement of Quasi-Hyperbolic Discounting 1449 JUSTIN CARON, THIBAULT FALLY, AND JAMES R. MARKUSEN International Trade Puzzles: A Solution Linking Production and Preferences 1501 | No. Panggil: JOX_QJE_2014_3 |
Koleksi: Jurnal Internasional  :: Cari yang mirip  :: Tambahkan ke Favorit  ::
The Quaterly Journal of Economics : Volume 130 August 2015 Issue 3
Pengarang: KARTHIK MURALIDHARAN AND VENKATESH SUNDARARAMAN The Aggregate Effect of School Choice: Evidence from a Two-Stage Experiment in India 1011 NED AUGENBLICK, MURIEL NIEDERLE, AND CHARLES SPRENGER Working Over Time: Dynamic Inconsistency in Real Effort Tasks 1067 HUNT ALLCOTT Site Selection Bias in Program Evaluation 1117 MICHAEL KREMER AND CHRISTOPHER M. SNYDER Preventives Versus Treatments 1167 VICTORIA IVASHINA, DAVID S. SCHARFSTEIN, AND JEREMY C. STEIN Dollar Funding and the Lending Behavior of Global Banks 1241 BENJAMIN EDELMAN AND JULIAN WRIGHT Price Coherence and Excessive Intermediation 1283 LEONARDO BURSZTYN AND ROBERT JENSEN How Does Peer Pressure Affect Educational Investments? 1329 XAVIER GABAIX AND MATTEO MAGGIORI International Liquidity and Exchange Rate Dynamics 1369 SIWAN ANDERSON AND CHRIS BIDNER Property Rights over Marital Transfers 1421 SAUMITRA JHA Financial Asset Holdings and Political Attitudes: Evidence from Revolutionary England 1485 | No. Panggil: JOX_QJE_2015_3 |
Koleksi: Jurnal Internasional  :: Cari yang mirip  :: Tambahkan ke Favorit  ::
The Review of Asset Pricing Studies : Volume 3 • Number 1 • June 2013
Pengarang: Limited Capital Market Participation and Human Capital Risk Jonathan B. Berk and Johan Walden The Wealth-Consumption Ratio Hanno Lustig, Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh, and Adrien Verdelhan Hard Times John Y. Campbell, Stefano Giglio, and Christopher Polk An Analysis of the Amihud Illiquidity Premium Michael Brennan, Sahn-Wook Huh, and Avanidhar Subrahmanyam | No. Panggil: JOX_RAPS_2013_1 |
Koleksi: Jurnal Internasional  :: Cari yang mirip  :: Tambahkan ke Favorit  ::
The Review of Asset Pricing Studies : Volume 3 • Number 2 • December 2013
Pengarang: Does the Fed Control Interest Rates? Eugene F. Fama Does Active Management Pay? New International Evidence Alexander Dyck, Karl V. Lins, and Lukasz Pomorski The Puzzle of Index Option Returns George M. Constantinides, Jens Carsten Jackwerth, and Alexi Savov Call-Put Implied Volatility Spreads and Option Returns James S. Doran, Andy Fodor, and Danling Jiang | No. Panggil: JOX_RAPS_2013_2 |
Koleksi: Jurnal Internasional  :: Cari yang mirip  :: Tambahkan ke Favorit  ::
Review of Finance : Volume 17 Number 3 July 2013
Pengarang: Who takes Risks When and Why: Determinants of Changes in Investor Risk Taking Martin Weber, Elke U. Weber, and Alen Nosic´ Portfolio Pumping, Trading Activity and Fund Performance Sugato Bhattacharyya and Vikram Nanda Investor Sentiment and Return Comovements: Evidence from Stock Splits and Headquarters Changes Alok Kumar, Jeremy K. Page, and Oliver G. Spalt Portfolio Choice and Mental Health Vicki L. Bogan and Angela R. Fertig The Effect of Issuer Conservatism on IPO Pricing and Performance Stephen P. Ferris, (Grace) Qing Hao, and (Stella) Min-Yu Liao The World Business Cycle and Expected Returns Ilan Cooper and Richard Priestley Three Solutions to the Pricing Kernel Puzzle Thorsten Hens and Christian Reichlin When Do Managers Seek Private Equity Backing in Public-to-Private Transactions? Jana P. Fidrmuc, Alessandro Palandri, Peter Roosenboom, and Dick van Dijk Hedge Funds and Equity Prices Yawen Jiao Market Selection and Welfare in a Multi-asset Economy Yurii Fedyk, Christian Heyerdahl-Larsen, and Johan Walden | No. Panggil: JOX_RoF_2013_3A |
Koleksi: Jurnal Internasional  :: Cari yang mirip  :: Tambahkan ke Favorit  ::
Review of Finance : Volume 18 Number 3 July 2014
Pengarang: Do Anomalies Exist Ex Ante? Yue Tang, Jin (Ginger) Wu and Lu Zhang Are Small Businesses Worthy of Financial Aid? Evidence from a French Targeted Credit Program Laurent Bach Does the Market for CEO Talent Explain Controversial CEO Pay Practices? K. J. Martijn Cremers and Yaniv Grinstein A Study of Bankruptcy Costs and the Allocation of Control Julian Franks and Gyongyi Loranth Risk and Reward Preferences under Time Pressure Anjali D. Nursimulu and Peter Bossaerts Seasoned Equity Offerings, Corporate Governance, and Investments E. Han Kim and Amiyatosh Purnanandam Venture Capital and Industry Structure: Evidence from Local US Markets Alexander Popov Venture Capital Meets Contract Theory: Risky Claims or Formal Control? Giacinta Cestone Does the Secondary Loan Market Reduce Borrowing Costs? Mark J. Kamstra, Gordon S. Roberts and Pei Shao Peso Problems and Term Structure Anomalies of Repo Rates Xiaoneng Zhu | No. Panggil: JOX_RoF_2014_3A |
Koleksi: Jurnal Internasional  :: Cari yang mirip  :: Tambahkan ke Favorit  ::
Review of Finance : Volume 19 Number 3 May 2015
Pengarang: Funding Versus Real Economy Shock: The Impact of the 2007–09 Crisis on Small Firms’ Credit Availability Gunhild Berg and Karolin Kirschenmann Modeling the Dynamics of Correlations among Implied Volatilities Robert Engle and Stephen Figlewski Improving Investment Decisions with Simulated Experience Meike A. S. Bradbury, Thorsten Hens and Stefan Zeisberger Learning about Rare Disasters: Implications For Consumption and Asset Prices Max Gillman, Michal Kejak and Michal Pakoš Informed Headquarters and Socialistic Internal Capital Markets Daniel Hoang and Martin Ruckes The Impact of Weather on German Retail Investors Jochen M. Schmittmann, Jenny Pirschel, Steffen Meyer and Andreas Hackethal Bank Risk and Competition: Evidence from Regional Banking Markets Thomas Kick and Esteban Prieto Jump-Diffusion Long-Run Risks Models, Variance Risk Premium, and Volatility Dynamics Jianjian Jin Credit Markets with Ethical Banks and Motivated Borrowers Francesca Barigozzi and Piero Tedeschi Stakeholder Governance, Competition, and Firm Value Franklin Allen, Elena Carletti and Robert Marquez | No. Panggil: JOX_RoF_2015_2 |
Koleksi: Jurnal Internasional  :: Cari yang mirip  :: Tambahkan ke Favorit  ::
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