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Life By Design: Making Wise Chioces in a Mixed-up World
Pengarang: Kirscner, Rick; Brinkman, Rick | No. Panggil: 153.8 KIR l |
Koleksi: Buku Teks ::
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The Experienced Self and Other Scale: A technique for assaying the experience of one’s self in relation to the other
Pengarang: Shvil, Erel / Krauss, Herbert / Midlarsky, Elizabeth | No. Panggil: Journal of Methods and Measurement in the Social Sciences, Vol. 4, No 2, 2013: p.1-20 |
Koleksi: e-Artikel Internasional ::
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Impact of Format and Content of Visual Display of Data on Comprehension, Choice and Preference: a Systematic Review
Pengarang: Zoe Hildon, Dominique | No. Panggil: JI04-IJQHC |
Koleksi: Indeks Artikel Jurnal MIKM ::
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Continuous Innovation: Developing and Using a Clinical Database With New Technology for Patient-Centred Care-the Case of the Swedish Quality Register for Arthritis
Pengarang: Ovretveit, John | No. Panggil: JI04-IJQHC |
Koleksi: Indeks Artikel Jurnal MIKM ::
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Strenghthening the Quality Agenda in Health Care in Low-and Middle-Income Countries : Questions to Consider
Pengarang: Enrique Ruelas | No. Panggil: JI04-IJQHC |
Koleksi: Indeks Artikel Jurnal MIKM ::
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Charting the Way Forwardto Better quality helath care : How do we Get There and What Are the Next Steps
Pengarang: Nana Mensah, Sylvia Sax | No. Panggil: JI04-IJQHC |
Koleksi: Indeks Artikel Jurnal MIKM ::
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Patient Experiences With Inpatient Care in Rural China
Pengarang: Heaather Sipsma | No. Panggil: JI04-IJQHC |
Koleksi: Indeks Artikel Jurnal MIKM ::
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A Measurement Instrument for Spread of Quality Improvement in Healthcare
Pengarang: Slaghuis, S.S | No. Panggil: JI04-IJQHC |
Koleksi: Indeks Artikel Jurnal MIKM ::
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Compliance with the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist: Deviations and Possible Improvements
Pengarang: Rydenfalt Christofer | No. Panggil: JI04-IJQHC |
Koleksi: Indeks Artikel Jurnal MIKM ::
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Emotional intelligence at work
Pengarang: Weisinger, Hendrie | No. Panggil: 153.9 WEI e |
Koleksi: Buku Teks ::
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