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The Effect Of Mcsr And Mrs On Students’ Reading Comprehension At The Second Year Of Suluh Senior High School Jakarta
Pengarang: Komariyah | No. Panggil: T094-00120 |
Koleksi: Tesis Bahasa Inggris ::
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The effect of Frayer's Strategr and Contextual Redefinition Strategr on Students' Vocabulary Mastery of Eight Grade Students at Sekolah Menengah Pertama Kristen Mawar Saron Tangerang
Pengarang: Julika Panggabean | No. Panggil: T094-00174 |
Koleksi: Tesis Bahasa Inggris ::
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The Effect Of Reading Strategies And Learning Styles Toward Students Reading Comprehension At Second Year At Junior High School (SMP) Negeri 3 Bengkulu
Pengarang: Fetriani | No. Panggil: T094-00140 |
Koleksi: Tesis Bahasa Inggris ::
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Hubungan Dimensi Kualitas Pelayanan dengan Persepsi Mutu Pelayanan Pasien Rawat Inap di RS Pertamina Jaya
Pengarang: Heru Indra Cahya | No. Panggil: T095-00137 |
Koleksi: Tesis MIKM ::
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The Influence of Students’ Vocabulary Knowledge and Background Knowledge on Their Reading Comprehension Ability of the Year Twelve Students of Public Vocational High School 2 Rangkasbitung.
Pengarang: Puji Siswanto | No. Panggil: T094-00170 |
Koleksi: Tesis Bahasa Inggris ::
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The Effect of Use of Recitation Method and Vocabulary Mastery Towards students’ Writing Skill at Senior High School in Tangerang City
Pengarang: Syaiful Hayat | No. Panggil: T094-00186 |
Koleksi: Tesis Bahasa Inggris ::
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The Effect of Reading Strategy and Personality on EFL Students’ Reading Comprehension
Pengarang: Yulika Arma | No. Panggil: T094-00187 |
Koleksi: Tesis Bahasa Inggris ::
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The Relationship between Vocabulary Mastery, Content Schemata and Reading Comprehension at the Second Grade Students of SMPN 125 Jakarta
Pengarang: Dely Ramdani | No. Panggil: T094-00124 |
Koleksi: Tesis Bahasa Inggris ::
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A comparative study of reading comprehension Echievement between students taught by educational training Institution - teacher and non educational training institution - Teachers at the second year students Of senior high school 93
Pengarang: MUHAMMAD TAHER NGABALIN | No. Panggil: T094-00010 |
Koleksi: Tesis Bahasa Inggris ::
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Students' and Teachers' Perception of the Role of Pronunciation in the English Foreign Language at Senior High School I Panggaran Lebak-Banten
Pengarang: Yulia Setia Permana | No. Panggil: T094-00327 |
Koleksi: Tesis Bahasa Inggris ::
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