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The Quaterly Journal of Economics : Volume 128 May 2013 Issue 2
Pengarang: ALBERTO ALESINA, PAOLA GIULIANO, AND NATHAN NUNN On the Origins of Gender Roles: Women and the Plough 469 BRUNO CRÉPON, ESTHER DUFLO, MARC GURGAND, ROLAND RATHELOT, AND PHILIPPE ZAMORA Do Labor Market Policies Have Displacement Effects? Evidence from a Clustered Randomized Experiment 531 STEVEN J. DAVIS, R. JASON FABERMAN, AND JOHN C. HALTIWANGER The Establishment-Level Behavior of Vacancies and Hiring 581 CASEY ROTHSCHILD AND FLORIAN SCHEUER Redistributive Taxation in the Roy Model 623 HENRIK J. KLEVEN AND MAZHAR WASEEM Using Notches to Uncover Optimization Frictions and Structural Elasticities: Theory and Evidence from Pakistan 669 PATRICK LEGROS AND ANDREW F. NEWMAN A Price Theory of Vertical and Lateral Integration 725 DARON ACEMOGLU, GEORGY EGOROV, AND KONSTANTIN SONIN A Political Theory of Populism 771 ROBERT POWELL Monopolizing Violence and Consolidating Power 807 XAVIER GIROUD Proximity and Investment: Evidence from Plant-Level Data 861 ADAM KALAI AND EHUD KALAI Cooperation in Strategic Games Revisited 917 | No. Panggil: JOX_QJE_2013_2 |
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The Quaterly Journal of Economics : Volume 129 May 2014 Issue 2
Pengarang: ROBERT C. FEENSTRA AND JOHN ROMALIS International Prices and Endogenous Quality 477 ALBERTO CAVALLO, BRENT NEIMAN, AND ROBERTO RIGOBON Currency Unions, Product Introductions, and the Real Exchange Rate 529 DEAN KARLAN, ROBERT OSEI, ISAAC OSEI-AKOTO, AND CHRISTOPHER UDRY Agricultural Decisions after Relaxing Credit and Risk Constraints 597 CRAIG GARTHWAITE, TAL GROSS, AND MATTHEW J. NOTOWIDIGDO Public Health Insurance, Labor Supply, and Employment Lock 653 CHRISTOPHER BLATTMAN, NATHAN FIALA, AND SEBASTIAN MARTINEZ Generating Skilled Self-Employment in Developing Countries: Experimental Evidence from Uganda 697 DIEGO PUGA AND DANIEL TREFLER International Trade and Institutional Change: Medieval Venice’s Response to Globalization 753 DAVIDE CANTONI AND NOAM YUCHTMAN Medieval Universities, Legal Institutions, and the Commercial Revolution 823 SUMIT AGARWAL, DAVID LUCCA, AMIT SERU, AND FRANCESCO TREBBI Inconsistent Regulators: Evidence from Banking 889 DOUGLAS GOLLIN, DAVID LAGAKOS, AND MICHAEL E. WAUGH The Agricultural Productivity Gap 939 ROLAND HODLER AND PAUL A. RASCHKY Regional Favoritism 995 | No. Panggil: JOX_QJE_2014_2 |
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The Quaterly Journal of Economics : Volume 130 May 2015 Issue 2
Pengarang: PASCAL MICHAILLAT AND EMMANUEL SAEZ Aggregate Demand, Idle Time, and Unemployment 507 MARIANNE BERTRAND, EMIR KAMENICA, AND JESSICA PAN Gender Identity and Relative Income Within Households 571 FILIPE CAMPANTE AND DAVID YANAGIZAWA-DROTT Does Religion Affect Economic Growth and Happiness? Evidence from Ramadan 615 ARNAUD COSTINOT, DAVE DONALDSON, JONATHAN VOGEL, AND IVÁN WERNING Comparative Advantage and Optimal Trade Policy 659 LEONARD WANTCHEKON, MARKO KLAŠNJA, AND NATALIJA NOVTA Education and Human Capital Externalities: Evidence from Colonial Benin 703 ANNA AIZER AND JOSEPH J. DOYLE, JR. Juvenile Incarceration, Human Capital, and Future Crime: Evidence from Randomly Assigned Judges 759 STEPHEN V. BURKS, BO COWGILL, MITCHELL HOFFMAN, AND MICHAEL HOUSMAN The Value of Hiring Through Employee Referrals 805 LIRAN EINAV, AMY FINKELSTEIN, AND PAUL SCHRIMPF The Response of Drug Expenditure to Nonlinear Contract Design: Evidence from Medicare Part D 841 FACUNDO PIGUILLEM AND ALESSANDRO RIBONI Spending-Biased Legislators: Discipline Through Disagreement 901 STEVEN CALLANDER AND BÅRD HARSTAD Experimentation in Federal Systems 951 | No. Panggil: JOX_QJE_2015_2 |
Koleksi: Jurnal Internasional  :: Cari yang mirip  :: Tambahkan ke Favorit  ::
The Review of Asset Pricing Studies : Volume 3 • Number 2 • December 2013
Pengarang: Does the Fed Control Interest Rates? Eugene F. Fama Does Active Management Pay? New International Evidence Alexander Dyck, Karl V. Lins, and Lukasz Pomorski The Puzzle of Index Option Returns George M. Constantinides, Jens Carsten Jackwerth, and Alexi Savov Call-Put Implied Volatility Spreads and Option Returns James S. Doran, Andy Fodor, and Danling Jiang | No. Panggil: JOX_RAPS_2013_2 |
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The Review of Asset Pricing Studies : Volume 4 • Number 2 • December 2014
Pengarang: Rating-Based Investment Practices and Bond Market Segmentation Zhihua Chen, Aziz A. Lookman, Norman Schürhoff , and Duane J. Seppi Hybrid Tail Risk and Expected Stock Returns: When Does the Tail Wag the Dog? Turan G. Bali, Nusret Cakici, and Robert F. Whitelaw Incomplete Continuous-Time Securities Markets with Stochastic Income Volatility Peter O. Christensen and Kasper Larsen Detecting Superior Mutual Fund Managers: Evidence from Copycats Blake Phillips, Kuntara Pukthuanthong, and P. Raghavendra Rau | No. Panggil: JOX_RAPS_2014_2 |
Koleksi: Jurnal Internasional  :: Cari yang mirip  :: Tambahkan ke Favorit  ::
The Review of Corporate Finance Studies : Volume 2 • Number 1 • March 2013
Pengarang: Financial Development, Fixed Costs, and International Trade Bo Becker, Jinzhu Chen, and David Greenberg Bank Bailout Menus Sudipto Bhattacharya and Kjell G. Nyborg A Theory of Arbitrage Capital Viral V. Acharya, Hyun Song Shin, and Tanju Yorulmazer Bridging the Gap? Government Subsidized Lending and Access to Capital Kristle Romero Cortés and Josh Lerner | No. Panggil: JOX_RCFS_2013 |
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The Review of Corporate Finance Studies : Volume 4 • Number 2 • September 2015
Pengarang: The Financial Crisis of 2007–2009: Why Did It Happen and What Did We Learn? Anjan V. Thakor Securitization and Banks’ Capital Structure Andres Almazan, Alfredo Martín-Oliver, and Jesús Saurina Do Consumers Choose the Right Credit Contracts? Sumit Agarwal, Souphala Chomsisengphet, Chunlin Liu, and Nicholas S. Souleles A Theory of Capital Structure, Price Impact, and Long-Run Stock Returns under Heterogeneous Beliefs Onur Bayar, Thomas J. Chemmanur, and Mark H. Liu | No. Panggil: JOX_RCFS_2015_2 |
Koleksi: Jurnal Internasional  :: Cari yang mirip  :: Tambahkan ke Favorit  ::
The Review Of Economic Studies : Vol. 80(2) No. 283 April 2013
Pengarang: Groupthink: Collective Delusions in Organizations and Markets Roland Bénabou 429 Regime Switches, Agents’ Beliefs, and Post-World War II U.S. Macroeconomic Dynamics Francesco Bianchi 463 Liquidity, Risk, and Occupational Choices Milo Bianchi and Matteo Bobba 491 Leadership, Coordination, and Corporate Culture Patrick Bolton, Markus K. Brunnermeier and Laura Veldkamp 512 Effi cient Likelihood Evaluation of State-Space Representations David N. DeJong, Roman Liesenfeld, Guilherme V. Moura, Jean-François Richard 538 and Hariharan Dharmarajan Should Day Care be Subsidized? David Domeij and Paul Klein 568 Insurance and Taxation over the Life Cycle Emmanuel Farhi and Iván Werning 596 Banking: A New Monetarist Approach Chao Gu, Fabrizio Mattesini, Cyril Monnet and Randall Wright 636 Health and (Other) Asset Holdings Julien Hugonnier, Florian Pelgrin and Pascal St-Amour 663 Credit Constraints, Heterogeneous Firms, and International Trade Kalina Manova 711 Consumption-Based Asset Pricing with Higher Cumulants Ian W. R. Martin 745 The Three Horsemen of Riches: Plague, War, and Urbanization in Early Modern Europe Nico Voigtländer and Hans-Joachim Voth 774 Optimal Contracts with Shirking John Y. Zhu 812 | No. Panggil: JOX_RES_2013_2 |
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The Review Of Economic Studies : Vol. 81(2) No. 287 April 2014
Pengarang: Resource Allocation in the Brain Ricardo Alonso, Isabelle Brocas and Juan D. Carrillo 501 Pounds That Kill: The External Costs of Vehicle Weight Michael L. Anderson and Maximilian Auffhammer 535 Do Firms Want to Borrow More? Testing Credit Constraints Using a Directed Lending Program Abhijit V. Banerjee and Esther Dufl o 572 Inference on Treatment Effects after Selection among High-Dimensional Controls Alexandre Belloni, Victor Chernozhukov and Christian Hansen 608 When Demand Creates its Own Supply: Saving Traps Christophe Chamley 651 Roads and Trade: Evidence from the US Gilles Duranton, Peter M. Morrow and Matthew A. Turner 681 Fiscal Devaluations Emmanuel Farhi, Gita Gopinath and Oleg Itskhoki 725 Pricing-to-Market: Evidence From Plant-Level Prices Doireann Fitzgerald and Stefanie Haller 761 Growing up in a Recession Paola Giuliano and Antonio Spilimbergo 787 Taxation of Human Capital and Wage Inequality: A Cross-Country Analysis Fatih Guvenen, Burhanettin Kuruscu and Serdar Ozkan 818 A Canonical Model of Choice with Initial Endowments Yusufcan Masatlioglu and Efe A. Ok 851 Optimal Taxation in a Limited Commitment Economy Yena Park 884 | No. Panggil: JOX_RES_2014_2 |
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The Review Of Economic Studies : Vol. 82(2) No. 291 April 2015
Pengarang: History, Expectations, and Leadership in the Evolution of Social Norms Daron Acemoglu and Matthew O. Jackson 423 The Impact of Competition on Management Quality: Evidence from Public Hospitals Nicholas Bloom, Carol Propper, Stephan Seiler and John Van Reenen 457 Relational Contracts in Competitive Labour Markets Simon Board and Moritz Meyer-Ter-Vehn 490 Cross-Border Banking and Global Liquidity Valentina Bruno and Hyun Song Shin 535 From Polygyny to Serial Monogamy: A Unifi ed Theory of Marriage Institutions David De La Croix and Fabio Mariani 565 Bargaining and Reputation: An Experiment on Bargaining in the Presence of Behavioural Types Matthew Embrey, Guillaume R. Fréchette and Steven F. Lehrer 608 Optimal Contracting and the Organization of Knowledge William Fuchs, Luis Garicano and Luis Rayo 632 The U-Shapes of Occupational Mobility Fane Groes, Philipp Kircher and Iourii Manovskii 659 The Informational Content of Surnames, the Evolution of Intergenerational Mobility, and Assortative Mating Maia Güell, José V. Rodríguez Mora and Christopher I. Telmer 693 On Transparency in Organizations Philippe Jehiel 736 Optimal Sales Contracts with Withdrawal Rights Daniel Krähmer and Roland Strausz 762 Determinants of College Major Choice: Identifi cation using an Information Experiment Matthew Wiswall and Basit Zafar 791 | No. Panggil: JOX_RES_2015_2 |
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