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The Effect of Peer Feedback and Self Revising Technique Toward Student?s Writing of Expository Paragraph at STKIP Garut.
The Effect of B1og-Based Peer Feedback and Face-to-Face Peer Feedback in Enhancing Students' Essay Writing
The Effect Of Peer’s And Teacher’s Feedback On Students’ Writing Achievement On Descriptive Text For Grade VII Of SMPN 11 Depok
The Effectiveness of Using Peer and Self Editing Technique to Improve Students? Writing Descriptive Composition (A study of 4th semester students at STIBA-IEC college east Jakarta).
The use of Edmodo as a social media to support the enhancement of students’ paragraph writing skills on students of first semester of STKIP Pancasakti, Tangerang
The Implementation of Self And Peer Assessment to Develop the EFL Writing Performance of Eight Grade at SMPN 2 Babelan-Bekasi in Academic Year 2017/2018 (Case Study)
The Effect of Teaching Technique and Writing Habit on Students? Writing Ability of the Seventh Grade Al-Izzah Islamic Junior High School, Serang, Banten.
The Effect of Teaching Technique and Student's Personality on Student's Descriptive Text Writing Ability at Eighth Grade of MTs Negeri 2 Kota Serang
The Experienced Self and Other Scale: A technique for assaying the experience of one’s self in relation to the other
Pengarang: Shvil, Erel / Krauss, Herbert / Midlarsky, Elizabeth | No. Panggil: Journal of Methods and Measurement in the Social Sciences, Vol. 4, No 2, 2013: p.1-20 |
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Improving Speaking Skill Through The Combination of Communication Game, Recorded Role Play and Peer Feedback Activities