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The Effect of Use of Recitation Method and Vocabulary Mastery Towards students’ Writing Skill at Senior High School in Tangerang City
Pengarang: Syaiful Hayat | No. Panggil: T094-00186 |
Koleksi: Tesis Bahasa Inggris  :: Cari yang mirip  :: Tambahkan ke Favorit  ::
The relationship between students' learning style and reading strategy and their reading comprehension achievement at SMAN 1 Tambun Selatan Bekasi
Pengarang: Henry Nazir | No. Panggil: T094-00028 |
Koleksi: Tesis Bahasa Inggris  :: Cari yang mirip  :: Tambahkan ke Favorit  ::
The Relationship between speed reading technique and students' motivation in improving students' reading comprehension of 4th semester of TBI Major at IAIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten
Pengarang: Tri Ilma Septiana | No. Panggil: T094-00048 |
Koleksi: Tesis Bahasa Inggris  :: Cari yang mirip  :: Tambahkan ke Favorit  ::
Experimental Study Regarding the Use of E-learning and Students?s Learning Motivation on Students? Reading Comprehension Achievement at SMAN 82 Jakarta
Pengarang: Syamsudin | No. Panggil: T094-00043 |
Koleksi: Tesis Bahasa Inggris  :: Cari yang mirip  :: Tambahkan ke Favorit  ::
The Relationship Between Communicative Exercises and Students? Motivation on Improving Their Speaking Abilities at The Junior High School I Way Jepara East Lampung.
Pengarang: Kholifah | No. Panggil: T094-00093 |
Koleksi: Tesis Bahasa Inggris  :: Cari yang mirip  :: Tambahkan ke Favorit  ::
The effect of reading strategies and learning styles on students` reading comprehension (an experimental study at the eleventh grade of sma parahyangan tangerang)
Pengarang: Aam Maryamah | No. Panggil: T094-00122 |
Koleksi: Tesis Bahasa Inggris  :: Cari yang mirip  :: Tambahkan ke Favorit  ::
The Relationship Between Authentic Materials And Cooperative Learning Strategy Towards EFL Students' Reading Comprehension
Pengarang: Siti Nurlela, Gunawan Suryoputro | No. Panggil: JN06-JER |
Koleksi: Indeks Artikel Jurnal MPB Inggris  :: Cari yang mirip  :: Tambahkan ke Favorit  ::
The Use Extensive Reading In Developing Students Reading Comprehension
Pengarang: Hery Nuraini | No. Panggil: T094-00159 |
Koleksi: Tesis Bahasa Inggris  :: Cari yang mirip  :: Tambahkan ke Favorit  ::
The Comparative Study On Jigsaw- Cooperative Learning Method And Conventional Teaching Method To Teach Writing At The Second Grade Students Of Sekolah Menengah Atas 1 Cilegon
Pengarang: Tutik Ambarwati | No. Panggil: T094-00009 |
Koleksi: Tesis Bahasa Inggris  :: Cari yang mirip  :: Tambahkan ke Favorit  ::
Designing Reading Materials for ESP Students at Vocational High School of Medical Science (SMK) Husada Pratama Serang
Pengarang: Dian Hanifah | No. Panggil: T094-00345 |
Koleksi: Tesis Bahasa Inggris  :: Cari yang mirip  :: Tambahkan ke Favorit  ::
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