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The Effect Of Mcsr And Mrs On Students’ Reading Comprehension At The Second Year Of Suluh Senior High School Jakarta
A Comparative Study of Students? Reading Comprehension Achievement between the Students who are taught through Predictive Reading Technique and those through Conventional Technique at the first year of SMA Negeri 17 Kab. Tangerang
The Effect Of Reading Strategies And Learning Styles Toward Students Reading Comprehension At Second Year At Junior High School (SMP) Negeri 3 Bengkulu
Improving Students' Reading Comprehension through Collaborative Strategic Reading and Survey, Question, Read, Recite, and Review (SQ3R) at the First Year of 8 Senior High School Pandeglang, Banten
Improving students' reading comprehension through collaborative strategic reading and survey, question, read, recite and review (SQ3R) at the first year of senior high school 8 Pandeglang Banten
The Effect Of Explicit And Implicit Grammar Instruction On Students? Ability To Use The Taught Grammar In Writing A Hortatory Exposition Text: A Study Of 11th Grade Students Of Senior Secondary School 8 Bogor In The Academic Year 2012-2013
Comparative Study of Students’ Reading Comprehension ..., Laela Herlina, MPB Inggris, 2014.
The Influence of Students’ Vocabulary Knowledge and Background Knowledge on Their Reading Comprehension Ability of the Year Twelve Students of Public Vocational High School 2 Rangkasbitung.
The Correlation Between Vocabulary Mastery And Cognitive Style Toward Students' Reading Comprehension Achievement At Seventh Grade Of Remaja Pluit Junior High School Jakarta
Fostering Language Awareness in Enhancing Students? Speaking Skill A Qualitative Analysis Study at the Eleventh Year Student of the Government Senior High School Cahaya Madania Banten Boarding School.