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Multiple LEarning Approaches in the Professional Development of School Leaders - Theoretical Perspective And Empirical Findings on Self-Assesment and feedback
Pengarang: Stephen Dinham | No. Panggil: JI01-EMAL |
Koleksi: Indeks Artikel Jurnal MAP ::
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The Impact of Educational Change On School Leaders: Experiences of Pakistani School Leaders
Pengarang: Jamila Razzaq | No. Panggil: JI01-EMAL |
Koleksi: Indeks Artikel Jurnal MAP ::
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School Leaders Leading : Professional Responsibility Not Accountability As the Key Focus
Pengarang: Neil Cranston | No. Panggil: JI01-EMAL |
Koleksi: Indeks Artikel Jurnal MAP ::
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School Systems Practices of During Principal Succession : loking Through the Lens of an Organizational Socialization Theory
Pengarang: Ed Bengtson | No. Panggil: JI01-EMAL |
Koleksi: Indeks Artikel Jurnal MAP ::
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Human Resource Development
Pengarang: Werner, Jon M. | No. Panggil: 658.312 4 WER h |
Koleksi: Buku Teks ::
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Human Resource Development
Pengarang: Megginso, David | No. Panggil: 658.312 4 MEG h |
Koleksi: Buku Teks ::
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Principles Of Human Resource Development
Pengarang: Gilley, Jerry W. | No. Panggil: 658.312 4 GIL p |
Koleksi: Buku Teks ::
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Learning, Teaching & Development : Strategies for action
No. Panggil: 375.001 ASH l |
Koleksi: Buku Teks ::
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Reflective Feedback Sessions Using Video Recordings
Pengarang: Betil Eroz | No. Panggil: JI06-ELTJ |
Koleksi: Indeks Artikel Jurnal MPB Inggris ::
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The Art Of HRD : Staff Development Volume 6
Pengarang: Sheal, Peter | No. Panggil: 658.312 4 SHE a |
Koleksi: Buku Teks ::
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