This study contains a discussion of the effect of learning media and the
personality trait on the students’ listening skills of SMK N 6 Kab. Tangerang.
This research was done to investigate whether there was any significant difference on students’ listening skill between those who were taught by using video and interactive multimedia, to investigate whether there was any significant difference on students’ listening skill between introvert and extrovert students and to investigate whether there was any significant interaction between media and personality on the students’ listening skill.
Limitation of this study was conducted only on the students of SMK N 6 Kab.
Tangerang. 100 samples were divided into 4 groups: the experimental group
consisting of introvert and extrovert students that were taught by interactive multimedia as an experiment class, while the other two consist of introvert and extrovert students that were taught by video as a comparison class. To answer the research question and hypothesis testing, researchers used quantitative approach, Two Way ANOVA with Factorial Design for data from the two independent variables and the dependent variable. From the findings of the statistical analysis, significant differences were found on the students’ listening skills that were taught by using video and interactive multimedia. However, no significant difference was found on students' listening skill between introvert and extrovert as well as the significant interaction between the media and the personality trait.
Based on the findings of the Two Way ANOVA with a factorial design, some
conclusions can be made. First, there was significant difference on students’ listening skills between those who were taught by using video and interactive multimedia, it was supported by a score of p value < alpha 0.05, which was 0.000. Second, there was no significant difference on students’ listening skill between introvert and extrovert students, it was based on a score of p value > alpha 0.05, which was 0.263. Third, there was no significant interaction between media and personality trait on the students’ listening skill, it was based on p value > alpha 0.05, which was 0.708.