Abstrak  Kembali
This thesis aims to improve speaking skill to Conversation 3 (CV-3) students at LBPP LIA Grogol through the use of communication game, recorded role play and peer feedback activities. This research employed a qualitative approach. The method of the research is action research. The researcher collected all the data by observing the learning process with the collaborator, analyzing the video during the class, making field notes, conducting tests (pretest and post test) and interviewing the students’ responds. There were four groups of data collected in this research; group of data from observations, field notes, tests, and interview. From the observation of the students’ activities, some information on their performance in communication game, recorded role play and peer feedback activities showed that those are successfully improved their speaking skill. In cycle I, II, and III almost all of the students really put their high attention to the classroom. From the tests, it is showed that students got 3.1 as their average score in pre test, 3.3 as their average score in cycle I post test, 3.5 as their average score in cycle II post test and 3.6 as their average score in cycle III post test. Besides that, it also showed that the achievement of passing percentage is inclined to develop on the tests starting from 12.5 % in pre test, 33.33% in post test I, 75% in post test II, and 100% in post test III. The mean of the tests are also indicate that the students’ achievement on speaking skill significantly get improvement from 62.75 in pre test, 66 in post test I, 70.25 in post test II, and 73.71 in post test III. From the students’ interview, the students showed 100 % interested and excited to those techniques to boost and increase their speaking skill.