Abstrak  Kembali
The objectives of the research were to find out the empirical answer of the implementation PjBL for English subject on Curriculum 2013. This research focuses on the teachers’ teaching learning strategies, teachers’ motivation, and classroom interactions successfully in the implementation of the project based learning on curriculum 2013 at SMA Negeri 1 Cilegon. The case study conducted in this research as a part of the qualitative approach. There are three types of case study; particularistic, descriptive, and heuristic but in this research conducted particularistic study. The particularistic focuses on a specific even or phenomenon for practical problems, for questions, situations, or puzzling occurrences arising from everyday practice. This method is done by triangle data through the same stages. First, it was conducted by five English teachers which teach the different classes. Second, it was conducted to the students which have the different background of their input. Last, it was combined the information from all documents such as the interviewing guide, questionnaires, the checklist of classroom interaction, and the observational protocol.