Abstrak  Kembali
The study was conducted with the purpose to design English syllabus for Islamic Finance for Sharia Banking Department at UHAMKA Jakarta. The research employed Research and Development (R & D) design. In the research stage, the researcher did needs analysis to 30 students, 5 alumni, 5 Islamic Economy lecturers, 1 institution, and 3 companies. Based on the result of the research, the proposed syllabus was developed by implementing the combination steps of Richard‟s Model on Course Development and Yaldens‟ Language Program Development. The combination steps cover four stages: (1) doing the needs survey; (2) designing syllabus based on the modification of Richards model on course development; (3) validating the syllabus draft by experts; and (4) doing try out of the product. The format of the syllabus consists of the following aspects: 1) competence standard, 2) basic competence, 3) materials, and 4) learning sources or media. It was validated by experts (team teaching) in English syllabus for Islamic Finance for Sharia Banking Department at UHAMKA Jakarta to check the appropriateness of the topics in the proposed syllabus. A set of interview and questionnaires were used to collect the data on the strengths and weaknesses of the syllabus. The data were utilized as a basis of qualitative feedback for making final revision. The revised syllabus can be applied to the fourth semester students of Sharia Banking Department at UHAMKA Jakarta and a note provided was taken for improvement. The existence of the proposed syllabus is expected be a great help for English lecturers in Sharia Banking Department as a guideline for the teaching process. Besides, since students‟ needs and interests were also taken into account in syllabus development, this syllabus is also expected meaningful for the students. In conclusion, this syllabus is expected satisfy all the related components.