This research aims to know 1. Is there significant effect of implicit method
in student’s writing ability? 2. Is there significant effect of explicit method in
student’s writing ability? 3. Is there significant different between students who
were taught by using implicit method and explicit method? 4. Is there significant
different between students who is holistic learner and those who is sequential
learner in relation with their writing ability?, 5. Is there any interaction between
teaching methods and learning style in relation with the student’s writing ability?
This research was conducted at SMK Negeri 2 Pandeglang. The research
was used cluster sampling where the population is 16 classes and this research
used 2 classes as the sample. One class used implicit method and other class used
explicit method. The instruments that were used are written test and questioner.
The written test was used to know the effectiveness of both method and
questioner was used to know the student’s learning style. The instruments were
used the existing rubric assessment that is from the other researcher. The data
analysis used SPSS 20. The results of the research are. First, there was significant effect of implicit method on student’s writing ability. It can be seen from the result of data analysis that data p-value - 0.000 is less than α = 0,05 and tobserved = 8.098 is higher than tα(0.05) = 1.714; Second, there was significant effect of explicit method on student’s writing ability. It can be seen on p-value 0.000 is less than α = 0,05 and tobserved = 6.140 is higher than tα(0.05) = 1.714; Third, there was no significant difference between students who were taught by using implicit method and explicit method. It can be seen on, Fstatistic (0.130) is less than Fα(0.05)= 4.08 and the data of sig=0.721 is higher than α=0.05; Fourth, there was no significant difference between students who is holistic learner and those who is sequential learner in relation with their writing ability. It is based on the data analysis, Fstatistic (0.705) is less than Fα(0.05)= 4.08 and p-value (sig) (0.406) is higher than α=0.05; Fifth, there was no interaction between teaching methods and learning style in relation with student’s writing ability. It can be seen on the result of analysis data that Fstatistic (2.285) is less than Fα(0.05)= 4.08 and p-value (sig)
(0.138) is higher than α=0.05.