The purpose of this study to prove whether there is correlation of emotional intelligence and students’ reading comprehension to their writing ability at SMK Bina Insan Mandiri Jakarta Barat. The researcher used the quantitative method, focusing on correlational study. The data were collected through questionnaire of emotional intelligence, reading comprehension test and and writing test. The tests were taken by 60 students of XI grades at SMK Bina Insan Mandiri at Jakarta Barat. The result of this reaserach was counted by using SPSS (Statistical Program for Social Science). The research findings indicated the following points: First, there is a positive correlation of emotional intelligence to writing ability but the contribution is weak or not really significant, it is not greater than reading comprehension. Secondly, there is a positive correlation and significant contribution of students’reading comprehension to their writing ability. Third, there is combination correlation of emotional intelligence and students’ reading comprehension to their writing ability. Emotional intelligence and reading comprehension are very important for the students to improve their writing ability. So, the teacher should realize the role emotion toward school subjects and must be able to respond students’ emotion well. Besides, teacher must be able to teach by using the right strategy on reading comprehension so they can encourage students to understand and exercise them how they are able to comprehend English reading text.