Abstrak  Kembali
The research was conducted to identify how Genre Based Approach (GBA) can be used to build the students’ motivation in reading procedure text and to identify how Genre Based Approach can be used to solve the students’ difficulties in reading procedure text. The research used qualitative approach which involved the case study method. The participants whom were involved in this research were the 9 students of XII grade Multimedia 3 students at SMK Bhakti Anindya Tangerang. The results of this study shows that first, GBA can used to build the students motivation by using the extrinsic factors of motivation such as recognition, grade, and social. Second, GBA can used to solve the students’ difficulties because in Building Knowledge of the Text (BKOF), the students have opportunity to discuss vocabulary with their classmate and the teacher. The researcher suggests that the teacher should employ Genre Based Approach to increase the students’ motivation and helps the students’ difficulties in reading procedure text especially in the teaching reading for Vocational school students. Moreover, the researcher suggests that the students should employ Genre Based Approach to help them comprehend the text, especially prosedure text both inside and outside the classroom