Abstrak  Kembali
The objectives of the study were to find out the empirical answer of the problems, this study focused on (1) how the teaching strategies were applied; (2) TAAoEP varied from the participants of the technical guidance; and, (3) the problems solving of the factors influencing the authentic assessment of English portfolio on curriculum 2013 were solved by the participants of the technical guidance at the cluster SMK N 4 Tangerang. The clinic supervision method conducted at the cluster SMK N 4 Tangerang was the part of the qualitative approach. The clinic supervision was conducted on this study by three following stages (1) stage of the planning conference, (2) stage of the classroom observation, and (3) stage of the feedback conference in which purpose was to increase the teachers’ ability on their professional. This method was done by the triangle data through observation by gathering information in the stage planning conference, stage observation class, and stage feedback conference. In the part of interviewing, this was done triangle data through interviewing the students, research participants, and guidance teachers. Also, the triangle data was done during the process of analyzing data gotten through combining the ideas from questioners, interviewing guide, and formal plans.