This research attempts to discover what strategies employ by the students in
learning speaking, the factors influence students‟ learning strategies in speaking
performance and the role that the lecturer does in enhancing their speaking
performance at third semester of English department at University of Muhammadiyah Sorong. The research was conducted by using qualitative approach and the data were collected by means of students‟ journal, interview and questionnaire. The total of the participants of this research were twelve which were representative from two classes and they were selected by their grade in speaking.
The result of this research showed that students frequently used memory strategies in their learning; the second is metacognitive followed by social strategies in the third rank. The fourth is affective strategies and compensation strategies in the
fifth rank and followed by cognitive strategies in sixth rank. Moreover, the other
findings of this research is the other factors that also influence students‟ learning
strategies in learning speaking such as psychological factor, the role of teacher, factor of task, factor of environment, social factor and also the roles that the lecturer as feedback provider, participant and the last is lecturer as prompter.