The thesis aims to explore the ongoing process of the implementation of Theme-Rheme in XI IPA 2 of SMAN 1 Sijuk, to find out the difficulties which are encountered by the students when they learned Theme-Rheme and the benefits of implementing Theme-Rheme, and the students’ writing after being taught by using Theme-Rheme.
The method in this thesis is case study in which the data is obtained by natural setting and process. The data were collected by using triangulation of techniques namely observation, structured interview, and documentation. The observation was conducted in classroom in which the researcher acted out as non-participant observer and only observed the implementation of Theme-Rheme. In addition, interview was conducted for the English teacher who implemented Theme-Rheme and three students in XI IPA.2, while the documents are the students’ writing from the first until the last meeting and the result of students’ essay after they were taught using Theme-Rheme.
The research was conducted in SMAN 1 Sijuk for one month, starting from May 5th, 2014 up to June 4th 2014. The implementation of Theme-Rheme was conducted for six meetings. The participants of the research are one English teacher and 27 students of XI IPA 2 in SMAN 1 Sijuk.
Analysis of findings revealed that the implementation of Theme-Rheme run well and the tasks were given gradually from the easiest one until the most complex. The difficulties which are encountered by the students when learning Theme-Rheme are the difficulty to distinguish between Theme-Rheme. In addition, the benefits of implementing Theme-Rheme are it makes the students easy to develop paragraphs and the attention to Theme-Rheme progression enables students to produce coherent and united paragraph.