This study aims to find the comparison of two methods to be applied in teaching narrative writing. This study was conducted in at SMAN 84 JAKARTA BARAT students. The study designed used, namely “Pre-test and Post-test control group design” involving 70 students in grade XI, class XI IPA and IPB. The data analyzed by the theory of Read Write Think; Convention, focus, elaboration, and invention. For the students who studied by narrative writing. Both two groups used different treatment. Flashcard was used for control group and Jigsaw cooperative learning used for experiment group. The t-test was used to compare a different improvement from both groups which used a different treatment. The researcher tried to find out the means of the two groups after treatment. The higher score scores of the means from both groups would give result of a better technique and method to be applied in teaching narrative writing. From the two treatments, it was clearly described that the experiment group which was treated by using jigsaw cooperative learning got higher score than the control group which was using flashcard method in the treatment. The critical thinking and students‟ cooperative learning skills of students had increased with the means of both groups reached a significant score. The data from control group for means is 63.34 and for experiment group 69.60 and after being treatment, each score reached higher than the previous one. The control group reached 71.71 and 76.40 for the experiment group. The result of the data above shown that cooperative learning gets higher score compares to the control group. some of the obstacles encountered in using jigsaw cooperative learning, including ; a large class, well students‟ team work skill, and students‟ participants.