Abstrak  Kembali
Whether we like or not, English has become the primary language of international communication, the lingua franca of the world and it is rolling ahead like a juggernaut. More people speak English today than have ever spoken any single language in the recorded history of the world. English has important function in every aspect in this era, especially in education side. Someone demanded to know the meaning and function of English word. So that, translation is also the other four skills in mastering English language, besides Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing, Translation is also has main function. The objectives of this research were to find out if the students commit translation in English Text, to describe the method which was applied by the students to translate the English text, to observe the students ability in translate the English text. The research method that used in this research was qualitative method. Cohen and Manion1 explained that a qualitative case study design, as it observed the characteristic of an individual unit. Therefore, this study seemed very relevant to a case study because it attempted to investigate and explore the student‟s strategies in one class of 23 students. In this research, the researcher applied test to the students. In technique of the test, the researcher gave the English text and asked the students to translated the English text as well as possible as they could. There are four criteria to assess the student‟s translation, they are message content accuracy, message distinct, equivalences of using language and the last are mechanic appropriateness.