The objective of this study is to find out whether Comic-strips or Text is effective
in improving students reading comprehension in teaching narrative. This study
was conducted at SMPN 19 South Jakarta. The school is former-RSBI school. It is
located at Jl.Bumi Blok E 21 Kebayoran Baru Jakarta Selatan. The study started
from January and ended in July 2014. The writer took for two classes as her study.
They are chosen by cluster sampling. They are 8B class as experiment group and
8E class as comparison group. This study was conducted in the second semester.
The experiment group consisted of 36 students were given comic-strips. On the
other hand, the comparison group involved 36 students were given the text. The
pre-test and post-test involved in the both experiment and comparison groups. The
data was analyzed by using t-test in order to compare the score from both groups
and to identify whether there was a significant different between the mean score
of the two groups. Based on the result of statistical analysis, it was revealed that comic-strips are better than text as teaching media. It is supported by the mean of comic-strips is higher than the mean of text. Meanwhile both of Comic-Strips and Text were effective in improving students reading comprehension. They are proven by the mean of pre-test and post-test of both groups has improvement..
In conclusion, this study found that comic-strips are better than text as teaching
media in teaching narrative. It can apply as an alternative teaching media in
teaching reading comprehension for junior high school students.