Abstrak  Kembali
The purpose of this study is to investigate how Puppet Show affects students’ speaking skill. It is also meant to find out students’ opinion toward the use of Puppet Show in their class. The research is qualitative by nature. It is done in a natural setting where the researcher gathered words or pictures and then analyzed them inductively. The researcher used her own class so that she experienced herself and witnessed all of the evidences. She taught her students speaking skill through puppet. The activity in the classroom was recorded and videotaped day-by-day so that each activity could be seen and investigated. In order to get the data the researcher used video, note taking and interview to investigate student’s behavior and Oral performance in form of Puppet Show. These three completed each other in giving comprehensive data. The activity in the classroom was recorded and videotaped day-by-day so that each activity could be seen and investigated. The note taking was used to complete the data. The researcher also interviewed the students and the parents in order to get more information about exposures the students got from outside the classroom. The oral performance was transcribed and then analyzed. Transcription was needed to make written evidence. The oral performance in the form of Puppet Show was scored 3 times.