The purpose of this thesis is to find out the implementation of inquiry
based learning through internet to improve writing ability of the students of 256
Junior High School Jakarta. A class was chosen purposively out of 26 classes
which focused on the 9th grade students. Data were gathered by way of classroom action research, questionnaire, and interview. There were thirty five students of one class chosen purposively as participants involved in this research. Classroom action research was the main technique used by the researcher to collect the data needed. Students’ questionnaire and interview were used to support the data from classroom action research. The data obtained from classroom action research, questionnaire, and interview were analyzed qualitatively by grouping them in categories based on the components of writing. The finding indicates the implementation of inquiry based learning trough internet to improve the students’ writing ability are as follows: (1) formulating a question or set of questions related to the topic of inquiry, (2) encourage the students to make a framework or outline related to the topic they are going to investigate, (3) encourage them to investigate the topic by gathering information from the internet, (4) organize the information in category, (5) discuss and analyze the information for further understanding, and (6) write the text on paper with correct mechanism. Since the inquiry based learning through internet can improve the students’ ability in writing, it is suggested to the teachers, especially English teacher, to implement this strategy in their class. It is also suggested to the school institution to facilitate their school with the technology of internet to support the students to be skilled in writing by using internet as the source of information.