Abstrak  Kembali
Of the four language skills, listening is the most difficult skill to master for students in the context of English as a Foreign Language (EFL). Students often face difficulty in recognizing words spoken by native speakers of English in cassettes, CDs, TVs, and most of all in live conversations or talks. This is due to the fact that in natural English speech and talks words are linked with their neighboring words and pronounced not in the way they are pronounced in isolation, resulting in confusion and sometimes frustration among students over the effort they have taken so far. This research attempts to reveal the relationship of such pronunciation phenomena as weak form pronunciation and linking with students’ listening ability in recognizing words spoken by native speakers. The population of the research is the fourth semester students of English Education Department of STKIPM Kotabumi Lampung comprising four classes with the total number of 145. The sample of the research makes up 38 students taken using proportional random sampling. The data is analyzed using SPSS 17 Program for Windows. The result shows that correlation coefficient is 0.752 with determination coefficient of 0.565 for the relationship between mastery of weak form pronunciation and listening ability in recognizing words spoken by native speakers. The correlation coefficient of linking an listening ability is 0.875 and determination coefficient is 0.765. The relationship of the two independent variables with the dependent variable shows correlation coefficient as big as 0.877 with determination coefficient of 0.77.