The researcher realizes that writing skill is difficult to be achieved because it
depends on many factors. There are some factors which make the students find it
difficult to development writing skill, such as the differences between English and
Indonesian language system of spelling, pronunciation, grammar. In addition
selection of vocabulary is the also important factor that influences students
writing skill. Such problems may potentially lead to some problems for the
students in conveys successfully message. It can be stated that there are only a
few students who have good ability in writing skills. Thus, it is needed good
technique that can helps students to improving their writing skill. The research
question of this research are: (1) Is there any significant effect of the use peer
editing technique to improve the students’ writing descriptive composition?, (2) Is
there any significant effect of the use self editing technique to improve the
students’ writing descriptive composition?, (3) Is there any significant differences
means of improvement in descriptive writing skills gained by students taught
using peer editing technique and those students taught using self editing
technique? This research was quantitative research which was comparing two technique between peer and self editing. The subjects of this research were student at STIBA-IEC college east Jakarta. The instrument of collecting data was writing
test, thus group was class IVa selected in the experimental groups and comparison
class was IVb. The total samples of this research were fourty students and there
were 20 students in each class. Eeach class was given different treatments, one
class by using peer editing and the other class by self editing. After conducting the research, there are three findings in this research, it was found: first, there is a significant effect of using peer editing technique to improve students writing descriptive composition, as the p- value is 0.000, less than ɑ = 0.05. Second, there is a significant effect of using self editing technique to improve student writing descriptive composition, as the p- value is 0.041, less than ɑ = 0.05. and third, there is a difference means of improvement gained by students who taught by using peer editing technique and those student taught by self editing technique, as the p- value is 0.009, less than ɑ = 0.05.The finding indicates that the students taught by using peer editing technique reached higher improvement than those student taught by using self editing technique. The researcher is expected the result of this research have beneficial for all English lectures who teach in the writing class. The result showed that both peer and self editing technique were important in improving students writing skill.