The objective of this research is to investigate: (1) whether there is a
significant improvement in reading comprehension achievement for the grade VIII
students who are taught by using Collaborative Reading Strategy; (2) whether
there is a significant improvement in reading comprehension achievement for the
grade VIII students who are taught by using Reciprocal Reading Strategy; (3)
whether there is a significant difference of improvement on students’ reading
comprehension between those who are taught using Collaborative Reading
strategy and those who are taught using Reciprocal strategy.
The research was conducted at SMP Angkasa Jakarta fromNovember to
December 2012. By using randomly sweep taking, 2 classes of 6 classes of the
students grade VIII year 2011/2012 were chosen as the samples. The method of
the research was a experimental study.
The instrument of the research used to analyze the data was a test. The test
was in the form of multiple choice test. The test was used to measure the stugetns’
reading comprehension. Furthermore, there were four kinds of data that had been
collected, i. e. pre-test of the experiment class, pre-test of the comparison class,
post-test of the experiment class and post-test of the comparison class. The data
was analyzed using a program of SPSS version 17.00.
Based on the results of the data analysis, three findings were drawn: First,
collaborative reading strategy (X1) improved significantly the students’ reading
comprehension achievement (Y). It was supported by the significance or p-value
is 0.010. This value was less than α = 0.05. second, reciprocal reading strategy
(X2) improved significantly the students’ reading comprehension achievement
(Y). It was also supported by the significance or p-value is 0.020 This value was
less than α = 0.05. Third, there is no significant difference of improvement on
reading comprehension achievement for the students who were taught by using
Collaborative Reading Strategy and those who were taught by using Reciprocal
Reading Strategy. It was also supported by the significance of values of the
treatment class and the comparison class are 0.214. This significance of value is
more than α = 0.05.
The research concluded that both collaborative and reciprocal reading
strategies are beneficial and effective to improve the students’ reading
comprehension. Both strategies can be implemented in teaching reading
comprehension. Therefore, it is suggested that the English teachers are suggested
to use collaborative reading strategy or reciprocal reading strategy for teaching
reading comprehension.