The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of motivation to learn translation and the writing skill in Indonesian toward the ability to translate an argumentative text from Indonesian into English, both separately and simultaneously. A quantitative analysis that covers descriptive statistics: mode, median, range, mean, standard deviation, variance, and the distribution frequency in histogram, and inferential to answer the questions proposed in the study. The participants of this study were the sixth semester students of English Education Study Program of the higher school of teacher training and education, Subang - West Java in academic year 2011-2012. From the total of population 80 students, 50 students are chosen as samples based on probability sampling methods particularly simple random in which the population has exactly the same chance of being included in the sample by drawing lottery numbers at random from the population. To collect the data, the study used 3 instruments; test of translation ability, test of writing skill in Indonesia, and questionnaire of motivation to learn translation.