This thesis by the title "The implementation of CALL in teaching speaking in EFL Classroom to improve the students' speaking skill is aimed to investigate the implementation of CALL; Its benefits and hindrances are faced by the English teachers and the students in implementing CALL in teaching and learning speaking in EFL classroom. This study was conducted as a descriptive qualitative approach. The participants in this research are two English teacher and forty students of seventh graduate at SMPN 2 Nagrak Sukabumi. To collect the data, the writer did observations, interviews and distributed questionnaire to the participants. The interview was given to the teacher related to the teacher competency in teaching English and the questionnaire was given to the English teacher and student related to their competency and their appreciation in English. Then the writer tried to portray the implementation of CALL in EFL Classroom, because CALL has become a new strategy in teaching of English as a foreign language