This study aims at investigating the effect of explicit and implicit grammar instruction on the students' ability to use the taught grammar in writing a hortatory exposition text. It was held at Senior Secondary School 8 Bogor. Two groups were treated as experiment group and comparison group. Experiment group which consisted of 40 students was treated with explicit grammar instruction, while comparison group which also consisted of 40 students was treated with implicit grammar instruction. The quantitative research approach and SPSS Program were used to analyze and interpret the data. The result of statistical analysis shows that the group which was treated with explicit grammar instruction gain better ability to use the taught grammar in writing a hortatory exposition text. It can be seen from the average score they got before the treatment which is 44.75 improves significantly to 71.00. While the average score of the group who was treated with implicit grammar instruction was 47.00 before the treatment and 50.50 after the treatment. It indicates is more effective than implicit grammar instruction to make students understand how to use grammar in their writing