Abstrak  Kembali
The purpose of this reserarch is to know the quality of the English summative test in the term the difficulty level, discrimination power and the effectiveness of distracters. the writer used quantitative and qualitative analysis. The quantitative is used in this research to determine the facility value and the discriminating power. The qualitative is used to analyzed about the cause of the weakness of the poor test items. The respondents of this research were the students of the two classes consist of fifty students. The respondents were divided two groups, they are upper group and lower group. Based on the analysis of the data item which is use JB. Heaton formula, it can be concluded that the English summative for the first grade students of the second semester of SMP Al-Hasaniyah South Tangerang 2009/2010 academic year can be categorized as bad test based on the facility value and discriminating power.