This study is intented to investigate and to analyze the implementation of genre based approach in teaching narrative text at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 13 Jakarta. The study was conducted to find the answer to the following research questions: (1) How is the teachers' understanding to teach narrative writing? (2) How is the teachers' understanding the knowledge about genre based approach? (3) How is the students' understanding about writing narrative text?. This study used qualitative research. The data collection was supported by triangulation of data collection method, involving classroom observation, documentation of student text, and interview with the teacher and students at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 13 Jakarta. the research used twenty students who were selected randomly and interviewed to get the data information and it also observed one English teacher to complete the data.
Based on the result of this study, the researcher proposes some recommendations for the English teacher, the school, government, and school principle: (1) to apply genre based approach in teaching narrative text, (2) to be use the findings at the researches for learning sources in teaching writing narrative, and (3) to give attention to the teachers so that they can attend seminar, training, and work shop in teaching writing narrative.