This study intends to analyze the effect of Collaborative strategic Reading (CSR) and Survey, Question, Read, Recite, and Review (SQ3R) on students' reading comprehension improvement, this research attempts to find out how influential CSR and SQ3R are in boosting the students' reading comprehension. The study also tries to find out whether CSR more effective than SQ3R in improving students' reading comprehension after being given the treatment. The data evaluated were taken from the result of pretest and posttest. The analysis using the result of pretest and posttest was intended to find out the influence of CSR and SQ3R on students' reading comprehension. The research findings revealed that the implementation of CSR and SQ3R produced the significant improvement. the result of the posttest from the experiment classes showed that the students got the higher score than that the students from control class. The research findings also showed the students in CSR class got higher score than the students in SQ3R class. It implied that CSR was more effective than SQ3R.