Abstrak  Kembali
Curriculum 2013 and independent curriculum emphasize on Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTs) and digital learning. This study aims to analyze and describe the HOTs elements represented in digital reading formative assessment used by junior high school teachers in Jakarta. Mixed-methods approach with Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy (BRT) table were adopted to get an accurate and detailed picture of the data in this study. The data were 326 reading questions from 2 teachers of SMP Labschool UNJ Rawamangun and 2 teachers of Secondary Madina Islamic School. The result showed that digital reading formative assessment in SMP Labschool UNJ is dominated by 66 questions on analyzing level (HOTs) and 62 questions on understanding level (MOTs). Furthermore, digital reading formative assessment in Secondary Madina Islamic School is dominated by 89 questions on understanding level (MOTs) and 44 questions on applying level (MOTs). However, the analyzing level (HOTs) as the third dominant level only reached 34 questions. In total, 326 reading questions of SMP Labschool UNJ and Secondary Madina Islamic School are dominated by 150 questions on understanding level (MOTs) and 101 questions on analyzing level (HOTs). Specifically, the highest level is 147 questions (45,1%) on understanding, factual knowledge (A2) and 44 questions (13,5%) on analyzing, procedural knowledge (C4). The result implies that the implementation of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTs) in SMP Labschool UNJ and Secondary Madina Islamic School need to be improved for a better achievement of curriculum 2013 and independent curriculum.