This study was conducted to investigate the implementation of reading to
learn strategy to improve the students reading skill in SMK Kencana 1 North
Jakarta (1) to know the role of Metadiscourse in enhancing students’ reading
comprehension (2) to find the challenges faced, by the teacher in implementing metadiscourse (3) to know does metadiscourse improve the students reading comprehension, the total population is 25 students of the tenth grades students in SMK Kencana 1 North Jakarta and all students was taken to do the test and interview the researcher also took the interview to the teacher . the researcher took teaches grade 10th the researcher used qualitative and quantitative research method. It is used for gaining the data more in-dept and details The result of this study show that in Implementing Metadiscourse strategy in reading, first the students who at begining do not pay much attention, they are reading less, they do not have sufficient vocabulary references and good grammar. They frequenty find out unfamiliar words. They are still low in comprehension as it requires a lot of time to comprehend the reading text. Second the difficulty that fice by the teacher because the students of SMK Kencana 1 North Jakarta is still low , but the Metadiscourse strategy is aspected by the teacher because this strategy was new. Third, from dtudents’ perceptions this strategy was very useful to them because it has some significant improvement whes this strategy was applying to them and it also made the students feel more easier to the task that was given to them from the teacher preceptions this strategy made her students
became more eager and better in learning and understanding the material in the class.