Abstrak  Kembali
The objective of this research was to know the washback of portfolio assessment in writing skill at SMA Citra Islami 2017-2018 academic year. This study was case study design used in this problem because the research focuses on the effect of the assessment for the students and students’ perception toward the portfolio assessment integrated with washback in relation with this. The subject of the research were 20 students of X MIA and X IIS of SMA Citra Islami. The data were qualitative. The qualitative data were in the form of interview transcripts and questioners. The qualitative data were obtained from the interview and questioner with the students. First, researcher transcribe and labeling or coding student’s interview from recording data into text, then analyzing them through typological analysis in relation of students response toward washback, perception and the way they make use of the portfolio assessment in writing. Moreover, the questionnaire distributed to be analyzed and to get the students’ perception and information as the data for the research. The actions implemented in this research were providing writing tasks to practice writing in the classroom and applying portfolio assessment. The result of this research show that the use of Portfolio assessment enables students to reflect their real performance, to observe student’s progress during the learning process, and encourages students to make responsibilities for their own learning. the findings on three points following research question of this study, they were the washback of portfolio, students’ perception in portfolio and show students make use of the portfolio. Positive washback found out in this study, there are 90% in the area of Writing Strategy, 75% in the area of aspect of Motivation, 80% in the area of Students’ Learning Attitude, and 35% in the area of Autonomous Learning. In contrasts, negative washback there are 65% in the area of time allotment. Therefore students perceptions to portfolio assessment discussed in three main aspect, first 75% in the area of Overall Satisfactory, 40% in the area of fresh method, 30% in the area of students’ perception to portfolio on help students in learning.The last finding about how students made use of the portfolio assessment. This finding reveal three points how students make use of portfolio; there are 35% in the area of future teaching, 65% in the area of reviewing their learning, and 40 % in the area of learning guideline 40%.