Abstrak  Kembali
This thesis aimed to reveal the impact of implementation of Extensive Reading and Student’s Interactive Notebook were able to improve student’s skill in composing recount text. This research was carried out in September 6th –November 2nd 2018.The participants of the study were the tenth grade students in social at SMAN Cahaya Madani Banten Boarding School. This study based on the Classroom Action Research proposed by Kurt Lewin (1946). This action research consisted of three cycles; Preliminary, Cycle I and Cycle II. The data were collected through observations, interviews and test on the students’ performance, observation sheet and reading table. The data analysis methods used in this research is descriptive analysis was presented and analyzed by factual information systematically. The data gained by two data collection technique (quantitative and qualitative). Further to obtain the valid data the instrument was being validated using content validity. In Preliminary research the data were gained by observation and interview, then the result of it as a foundation to arrange the Cycle I activities. In Cycle I the researcher had a collaborator researcher as her partner in this cycle the researcher used the genre writing approach, bottom up and to down reading models. The students were provided with 8 recount text and several activities which implemented extensive reading and interactive student’s notebook were arrange in order to achieve the standard achievement of SMAN Cahaya Madani Banten Boarding School. The result of Cycle I as follow: 56% students who got 80 or more, meanwhile the average of student’s skill in writing based on Brown’s categories; punctuation and mechanic was 17.80, register and style was 15.36, organization was 15.24, content was 14.96 and grammar was 14.40. From the result above it concluded that this cycle need improvement because of only 56 students who got 80 or more The cycle II the researcher applied Product Writing Approach and Skimming and Scanning Technique. In this cycle the researcher asked the students to find out their own exposure text, hence library was the appropriate place to find it. To check the students activity in autonomous extensive reading learning, the researcher applied reading rubric. The result of the Cycle II as follow: 76% students got 80 or more, and the average for content was 16.60, organization was 16.28, grammar 16.28, style and register was 16.24, and the last punctuation and mechanic was 16.16. Due to the SMAN Cahaya Madani regulation which stated if 70% students got 80 or more so it means this research was success