The purpose of this study is to investigate the Effect of Teching Techniques (STAD andJigsaw) and Student’s personality on Students’ Descriptive Text Writing Ability by the students of eight grade at MTs Negeri 2 Kota Serang which was located on Jl. Tinggar - Nyapah Km. 02Desa Cipete Kecamatan Curug, Kota Serang, Banten. The population of this study was 184 students and the sample was 60 students. This study is carried out to achieve three main objectives, first, whether there is a significant difference between the students who use STAD and those who use Jigsaw technique on their writing ability. Second, whether there is a significant difference of extrovert and introvert students on their writing ability. Finally, whether there is a significant interaction between teaching technique and students’ personality on students’writing ability. In addition, this research used a quantitative quasi experimental approach
using factorial design. In this research there are two independent variables and one
dependent variable. The independent variables are teaching technique and personality, while dependent variable is writing ability. Moreover, teaching
technique is divided into STAD and Jigsaw, while personality is divided into
extrovert and introvert. In collecting the data this research used writing test and
questionnaire as intrument. The data analysis used two way anova. In analyzing the data this research used SPSS statistics 22. Finding of this study showed that there is no significant difference between students who use teaching technique by using STAD and those who use Jigsaw technique on students’ writing ability. It could be seen that
p-value = 0,190 > α = 0,05. Moreover, there was also no significant difference of
extrovert and introvert students on students’ writing ability. It could seen that pvalue
= 0,660 > α = 0,05. Furthermore, the last finding showed there is no significant interaction between both teaching techniques and students’ personality on students writing ability. It could be seen that p-value = 0,103 > α = 0,05. Based on the result above, the researcher expected to the English teacher to use various teaching technique to make students easier to comprehend the lesson, especially in writing. The teacher could use the STAD and Jigsaw as the teaching technique on teaching writing as the alternative way to make the students easier on improving their writing. Furthermore, personality did not give significant difference on students writing ability. It was happening because both of the techniques are cooperative learning although they have different role and type. Therefore it is suggestedthe use different materials and media of teaching to accommodate different students’ personality in learning can be appropriate.