The objective of this research was to get the empirical evidence whether there is an
improvement of using Quipper for students’ English reading skill at the eleventh grade students of SMA Al- Chasanah Jakarta. The method of the research was involved in a classroom action research study. This kind of study conducted in a classroom and saw the process of the students’improvement through the research. The population of the research consists of 292 students and the sample of the research was taken 8% of the population, consists of 32 students who have selected randomly. The instruments used for getting the data were questionnaire about quipper perception English reading, and quipper tests. According to the data that the researcher got from the research, proven to improve students reading comprehension. It can be seen from students’ mean score from precycle
until last cycle test. The score was, 52.7 for cycle 1 test, 76.5 and 78.1 for the
last cycle test. Students showed their progress in every cycle. Not only for students’
score. They also showed improvement in a classroom activity. Students were active
and enthusiastic to follow the teaching-learning process. So, it can be concluded that
can prove that Quipper can improve students’ English reading skill on the
eleventh0grade students of SMA Al- Chasanah Jakarta.